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Posts posted by Zarknoss

  1. The server-client update is almost done, only the client needs a few fixes/changes. Testers tested nonstop and found a huge amount of bugs. We fixed all from testers reported bugs but still want to do a public testing before releasing it, at least a few days. With a bit luck the update will be on time for the season end but it will probably take a few more days.


    The question is now, should we delay the season end if the server-client update needs a few days longer or should we just end it as usual on July 1st 12 AM GMT+0?

    I think is better ends when update come.

    Reasons: With the update, a tons of new things are coming, so is important end old cicle to start another new one :)

  2. For months on end I have quit and rejoined this game because yes, I love playing it. But, it seems that literally every few days I have to completely wipe PRO off of my android and redownload. My main progression is on Silver server and it refuses to let me in. Gold works just fine but silver will just lock me out over and over again, hence the reinstall process. Please help make my experience less of an epic games bugfest, and let me into my account when I want to play.... this is the only reason I haven't purchased anything in game, or even recommended it to others fir that matter.


    Hi kayenaioh,

    Perhaps if you try, before downloading again, to clear your phone's cache, this may correct any possible errors during installation or even during the game.

    I hope it works.



  3. Good night, yesterday I noticed that I no longer had my Manaphy pokemon in the pokemon center. I searched for about 10 minutes and couldn't find it. Unfortunately I don't have any screenshots because I never imagined this could happen to me. Is there any solution to my problem?

  4. IGN: Zarknoss

    Play time: 1100 hrs+

    PvP rating: 150+

    Vote for Nature Reroll ticket: Yes

    Reason: There a lot of "trash" natures for determined legendary. And more, some players (like me) dont have that amount of cash to spend for buy a lot of reroll's.

    Vote for Birth Island: Yes

    Reason: Even a newbi player catch an legendary, this does't mean that player will be able to use this poke in pvp with full potential (for exemple). But this does't mean that same player can't use an legendary for history or pve battles.

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