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Posts posted by Frostea

  1. Hello, I have recently joined this game and have a question about Evolution. Is it good to evolve my pokemon asap or wait til higher level? I have been told to level my Squirtle to lvl 98 then evolve it because it takes less EXP, but then I loose stats. Or should I just evolve it at level 16?


    Thank You

  2. Hello PRO community, I joined this game less than 1 hour ago. So far im liking it, but I am having a lot of trouble understanding things in the game. I have tried looking around the forums but cant seem to find what im looking for. I am trying to find a guide or something about the game as certain aspects of the game are confusing me.


    I would appreciate it if anyone could tell me or link me a guide/walkthrough of the game so I may get a better understanding and start getting into the game.


    Thank You

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