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  1. Hi I would like to report about new move tutor who teach Whirlpool. Is it that Azumarill should able to learn Whirlpool? Because i saw Whirlpool in it move list in Pokemon database website Thank you
  2. It i fine since i can play another azumarill build but i suggest there should be have a function call Transfer move tutor., in actual Pokemon game. There is a function like that. https://www.google.com/amp/s/pokemondb.net/amp/pokedex/azumarill
  3. Hi, i tried to find a way for my Azumarill to learn whirlpool but look like it is impossible by Move relearner, egg moves and pre-evolution move as well as tutor or TM. I saw that Azumarill can learn it in gen 2. Isn't that it is not able to learn whirlpool when the game is currently gen 7? Could you please consider adding a way for it to learn Whirlpool please? Thank you
  4. When could i download new fully update version for android please?
  5. I don't understand why that banned message show up but I can login now Sorry
  6. I relogin about 20 minute before I post this topic, is that because I login at the time the server is not working yet? It is offline few minute later
  7. PRO Username: onionvn Do you have active membership?: No Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? Hello, i believe i didn't do any ilegal activities since I joined this game. Today, I login and get a message "you have been banned from the game". Yesterday I still do headbutt at trainer valley on my PC version before I log out to sleep. I had tried to buy membership yesterday but my PayPal account need to deposit enough money so I stop it, is this relate to my "banned"? I also check the list "Banned user" in forum and see my name is not there.. Could you please give me an explain please? I have spent much time on this game although I have not buy membership yet. What have you already tried to solve the problem? Description and Message :Bored:
  8. I have just seen an old topic with same issue but seem it happen again :(
  9. Could you check please? I cant enter pokemon center at trainer valley by my android phone, it will turn in black screen all the time quith the message "loading map" at left top corner. Pc version doesn't happen Even if i close the game and reopen and login quith my phone again. "Loading map" issue will turn on again. Then i have to use pc version to play at trainer valley...
  10. Hi, recently I caught some Farfetch'd, instead holding Stick, they both hold Lagging tail. Could someone fix this please, I need Stick for my Farfetch'D Thank
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