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Posts posted by Applepie

  1. 185484

    Yep before he log out i have already sent my friend request and he already accepted it. But I havent screenshot anything. What should i do?


    If he has accepted your friend request then stay online for a while, maybe something has happened on his end. When he comes back online PM him and ask for your Pokemon back; make sure to screenshot the conversation. If he refuses then go ahead and report him and use the screenshots you just took. I'm not sure if it will be good enough evidence but it is worth a shot. Good luck :Grin:

    Well i already log out and relog(passing 600queue) and came online again, but he still isnt online. He didnt show up at all. He still has my poke with him. I forgot to snap my last conversation with him. But i remembered that the last thing he said is my machoke didnt evolve on the second trade either. He checked the box, but the box didnt load. Then he decided to relog, passing the queue. That's all the conversation is about.

  2. 185471
    185463 PRO Username: ApplePie

    Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes

    On which server issue happened: RED


    What have you done before the problem was there?

    I really need help, especially from the staffs here. I trade my lvl 96 machoke to another person (username:Irxtulnezz) to make it evolve to machamp. But since the server is too laggy at that time, i dont know why but he told me that the machoke didnt evolve. I try it once again, trade it, and he said that my machoke isnt there, he checked the box and said that the box wont load, so he finally decided to relog (I think its under 500 queue at that time). I waited for him to log in , but it has already been about 30 minutes, and he hasn't shown up. Im afraid that i wont get my poke back, I have trained my machoke for a long time, and the most think im afraid of is my poke will be stolen. I respectfully ask the staffs to help me here to get my poke back. Thank you so much!!! Please help:((


    What have you already tried to solve the problem?

    I said to him to relog again, but he didnt show up for a long time.


    Description and Message

    If I were you I would wait a little longer and see if he comes back online, I assume you have him on your friends list so you will see a notification if you do.

    If you think he has scammed you the you can report it here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=70

    You will need to provide screenshot evidence to support your case though.


    Yep before he log out i have already sent my friend request and he already accepted it. But I havent screenshot anything. What should i do?

  3. 140034
    114278 I think I misunderstood about the base exp, but these are references emphasizing that delayed evolution poke wont level up faster.

    quotted from yahoo answers

    really,yahoo answer? hahaha xDDD

    Yeah you might understimate the source i have attached, but i think you should read the whole conversation here from the beginning and see if the source that i have used contains true informastion.

  4. 136966 Thinking about it, perhaps the most likely reason why Shane hasn't respond yet is because he's still trying to figure out how to fix this huge mess.


    Leveling would be way too easy if he just change the exp required to level up, he needs to consider the exp gained from battles as well.

    Since this mechanic has been applied for a long time, and there's already so much people that has level 100 pokes, changing the game mechanic would lead to injustice for the rest of players which dont have high level pokes, because it would be really hard for them to grind a poke until 100, while others used to train it not as hard as them.

  5. I've seen some posts with a picture attached directly and not by link. These posts have a paperclip icon next to the subject, i tried to find out how to attach a picture without a link, but it seems that i can't figure it out. Could somebody help me how to do it because it will be really easy for me to discuss a topic with an image directly on the post. Thanks alot!

  6. Yeah i think the biggest problem here is the exp calculation mechanic. PRO actually has mistaken the meaning of base xp . I saw a discussion that some people said evolve pokemon will level up slower, because their base exp is higher. Here is the main problem. Base exp yield has a function to determine how much xp we got after battlling pokes. So for example, if we battle bulbasur and ivysaur, we will get more exp when battling with ivysaur because the base exp is higher, but base exp doesn't do anything with the amount of exp a poke need to level up. So if we have lvl 99 gengar, and lvl 99 gastly, the exps needed to get to level 100 is the same. Pokemon never make an unevolved poke easier to level up.


    I evolved my gengar at level 35 and now i had a massive 800.000exps to level it up from 95 to 96. I trained it in mount silver, and got approx. 14000 exp every battle, which means i have to battle for almost 57 times to level up.


    If you dont evolve your pokemon, you only need about 1/5 times exp (gastly) in total to level up until 100. I hope the team can change this whole mechanic.

  7. Dragon's Den:48-53 maximum, although there's some pokemon under level such as magikarp(lvl 28-37), Patrat(35-40).

    Mount Silver, 48-55, (higher level when you headbutt a tree, it could be lvl 58.)

    Cerulean Cave( highest wild pokemon level) around 57-63, but you need to be a dragon member and beat Lance in-game boss first to get in there.

  8. 128601 [glow=blue]Gengar is on my to catch list now, but what about Bronzong, Would he not too be strong against lance?[/glow] :Question:

    Well i think adding bronzong in your team will be a risk. Lance's have earthquake in almost every pokemon, and will appearently one shot your bronzong, since ground is super effective agaisnt steel. Second thing is bronzong has slow speed, and for these reason, i dont recommend bronzong at all.

  9. I defeated the e4 with just 2 pokemons, literally. I figured out that all e4s have at least 1 poke with sucker punch, and this is great because i can sweep all pokes with my lvl 90 gyarados (Dragon dance, aquatail, icefang, crunch). When you encounter a poke with sucker punch, you only need to use dragon dance 6 times( the maximum amount of stat boost) and then sweep them with the rest of the moves.


    Lance is also very easy since 4 or 5(I forgot)of his pokemon has earthquake. And when it comes to Earthquake, you just need 1 gengar to sweep them. Gengar is so OP because earthquake wont give any damage to him(Levitate).

  10. 1. In game name: ApplePie

    2. Hours played: approx. 150 hours

    3. Number of badges acquired: 16 badges, champ in both region

    4. Timezone/country:+7/Indonesia

    5. Past Pokemon experience:Pokemon Diamond Pearl Platinum, Heartgold, Soulsilver, all completed

    6. Tell us a little about yourself and why you want to join the guild :) :Well hello guys, i have been looking forward to get in a guild for a longgggg time, and im really happy that i can finally apply to be a member here, I hope you guys will accept me. Tysm!! :Smile:

  11. 117217
    117167 Sorry if you find it a little bit offensive, im 100% happy about PRO, but for me this game will be so much better to play when the original game mechanics remain the same like it should be.




    What? How is that about "should be"? Is there any rule that say that every Pokemon game has to be exactly like the official? Or even better, every Pokemon game has to be like YOU want? I like everything you said even if I don't share the same opinion but really that statement pish me a lot.


    No, I didn't say that every pokemon game has to be 100% the same. The matter is that these new mechanics is totally different and has never applied in pokemon game.


    Well im sorry if the statement made you a little bit mad , but i didn't say that every pokemon game has to be the way I want, that statement is only my opinion. I do respect new creations and interpretations in PRO.


    Hope you have a good day.


  12. Well the original pokemon game actually has its own unique game mechanics. These include experience calculation points, items that can be use for boosting exp, and stat total.


    Now what i know is, evolution has its own main purpose; to make a pokemon stronger. In every pokemon game, doesn't matter if you hold back evolution, the exp needed to reach level 100 will never change. The only benefits for holding back evolution is to learn certain moves faster, and yep, that's all. Even if you hold back evolution of a poke and evolve it at level 98 or 99, the poke ( which has evolved) will not have stats as much as if you evolve it at its original level that it should have evolved. So in the original pokemon game, you will find it very hard to level up pokemon until level 100. To make it easier, pokemon game has provided some items (e.g. lucky egg, 1.5x exp after trading).


    PRO changes exp calculation mechanics totally that when a pokemon evolves, the more experience points will be needed than the unevolve one, and the pokemon will get the same amount of total stats when you evolve it at level 99 or evolve it when it should have evolved at a certain level. Also, PRO makes the IVs visible that lots of people will try to find a pokemon with good iv.


    Actually, I'm Totally Okay With That. I know im playing in a MMO game, which is totally different from the original pokemon game, but what i think is that the original game mechanics shouldn't be changed, and i will be really happy to level up my pokemon , evolve it like the way i did on other pokemon game.


    Sorry if you find it a little bit offensive, im 100% happy about PRO, but for me this game will be so much better to play when the original game mechanics remain the same like it should be.



  13. 114304


    WON'T BE ABLE - that's make me laugh :Smile: who said it, what page?

    You can check it

    https://pokemondb.net/pokedex/bulbasaur Base EXP is 64

    https://pokemondb.net/pokedex/ivysaur Base EXP 141

    Hence, you can see it not the same base exp :Grin: Also the reason for delayed evolution is learning moves as some pokemon have different move pool when evolution.


    That's base exp yield gained from defeating them, not the leveling rate.


    Leveling rate should have stayed the same throughout evolution, what changes is the base exp yield.


    ApplePie is talking about leveling rate, which becomes people's reason to not evolve right away.







    Either the PRO staff mistook base exp yield as leveling rate, or the different leveling rate in PRO is a custom feature intended to prolong gameplay.


    Considering what other things the PRO staffs have done, it's more likely the latter.


    So can we go to a conclusion that in the real pokemon game, unevolved pokemonwon't level up fastercompared to its evolution, but it does the opposite in PRO?

  14. Thanks for all of the answers so far, but i still have a little doubt about it. If you think that yahoo answers are not quite reliable, than this is taken from pokemon comparison exp calculator, and the result is the same. Delayed evolution poke wont make level up faster.


    quotted from pokemon.pikasaur.com


    "How Much Exp Do I Need?

    Starting Level


    Desired Level


    Bulbasaur's growth rate is Medium Slow. It will take 1059860 exp for Bulbasaur to get from level 1 to level 100."


    "How Much Exp Do I Need?

    Starting Level


    Desired Level


    Venusaur's growth rate is Medium Slow. It will take 1059860 exp for Venusaur to get from level 1 to level 100."


    Logically, when you evolve ivysaur to venusaur at level 32, and if the amount of exp needed is lesser when you unevolved the bulbasaur, then it won't give the same result as above.


    Getting Confused here :confused:

  15. I was wondering why there are tons of people delayed their pokemon from being evolved, some evolve their poke at level 99 or sth. After i asked some people why did they do that, most of them answered that it will be easier for poke to level up. Then i googled it, and it says that you WON'T BE ABLE to level up delayed evolution poke faster, since it has the same base exp. People often delayed their poke from evolution because they wanted to learn certain moves earlier, but nothing to do with levelling up faster.


    So could someone explain this? All of the answers will be appreciated. [/align]

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