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About Redklenv2

  • Birthday 01/03/1996

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  1. To be as quick as possible, I'm trying to get the mega stones from prof Oak. I already read and get in my hands blastoisinite. This time i'm trying to get Charizardite Y. So I followed the same steps. Caught a new charmander with 91+ total ivs and correct nature, then go to prof oak show him the charmander and train it to lvl 100. So far so good but right now as i was ready to battle Oak he had only 2 options talk about the pokedex and show him a starter. My problem is that i have already show him the one charmander that met the critiria and now that i have ev trained and lvl it up to 100 he wants to show him a new one?! Νέα εικόνα bitmap.bmp
  2. Hellooo What's your Name/IGN? Redklenv2 ● How old are you? 25 ● Are you active in Discord? Not always but whenever I have time to spare ● Where are you from? Greece ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? 1445 hours, almost daily now ● What's your goal in PRO? A complete dex relax and happy time. ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? I am a former member with shadowforce ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? Hmm that's a tough one,but i'm gonna go with Houndoom. ● What's your favorite animal and why? As a dog owner i'm going with dogs by far, lovely and loyal.
  3. Hello, i'm stuck inside aphrodia island pokecenter and this message pop up when i try to exit the PC. i have tried to relog or use escape rope. I Cant play the game
  4. :Ambivalent: Hello, I think that there is a problem here for me at least! I'm at pastoria's gym and after the 2nd switch, I have a problem I can't press the 3rd switch and as a result I can't continue!
  5. Re: Akatsuki x Reborn joint guild event <r>41 for me <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  6. Houndour and Houndoom plox <3
  7. :y: Yeaaah
  8. PRO Username: Redklenv2 Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: No On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? What have you already tried to solve the problem? Description and Message So, After I ended with Groudon and Kyogre , i was planning to go with my friend and try to find anything about jirachi , He even did a thread ! Anyway he told me to go to speak to Prof.Birch to know how long I've been to Hoenn , apparently i have stayed far too long than anyone else i believe :Cool: https://imgur.com/c71eqcd , so he told me that maybe this is a bug. Anyway I maybe hadn't fight with poochyena that was in the lab , oops :Smile: , so I spoke to the pokemon and fought, obviously I lost...Just kidding i was fully prepared , https://imgur.com/nw15d8E , Oh don't forget I did mentioned about Groudon and Kyogre ! So I went in my house upstairs and so jirachi again ! https://imgur.com/o9EAGZj ! shocking ! , but the funny think is that i already had told to him when i first entered hoenn, as everyone i suppose! But nobody had seen Jirachi , Groudon or any other legy , i did speak to him hoping that i could get him , that i did something that everybody was lacking ! oh jirachi said the exact same thing as in the begging when i spoked with when i joined hoenn https://imgur.com/n8yoMWj
  9. latias in the truck too tho
  10. PRO Username: Redklenv2 Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: No On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? Nothing keep stucking and relogging in What have you already tried to solve the problem? Description and Message So, there is a certain npc underwater on route 126 , a diver don't remember the name right now. Well, i think there is a bug cause all the time he :Exclam: wants to battle me , everytime I stuck , and it's not lag cause i've waited yesterday around 10min , anyway please if i'm correct and this is a bug check it out :)
  11. Re: ☪ {ShadowForce & Redklen} ☪ shop! Hot and New! ツ <r><QUOTE author="ShadowForce"><s> </e></QUOTE> :3 :D</r>
  12. Re: Get Free Hoenn Fossil / Legendary Dogs Stone [Celebi Quest Part 1+2] <t>needs 120 evo</t>
  13. Hey,I would like to know if there is Ice-rock/moss rock currently on the game cause i want to evolve eevee ,not catch, into Glaceon/leafeon and if there is a way to evolve her to sylveon
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