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About Malthuur

  • Birthday 07/31/1991

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  1. Hello fellow trainers, I'm currently looking for the following Pokemon, epics/godly only: adamant h.a. Dratini jolly h.a. Gible timid trace Ralts adamant Larvitar PM me ingame (IGN: Malthuur) or leave a screenshot here. Thanks for your offers in advance =)
  2. Sold to Geisterfalke.
  3. 600k by guardnine, ends Oct. 8th at 6:07am
  4. *bump* Updated price on Tauros
  5. Re: Shiny Tauros and Swinub with decent natures & IVs <r><ATTACHMENT filename="Sell swinub.png" index="0"><s>
  6. Hey fellow trainers! I'm selling this pretty shiny. I'd like to start offers at 600k (/2,5m Insta) for Tauros. Bidding ends 3 days after first offer. I accept cc's at 350k each. I'm not interested in anything else but cash. Happy bidding :)
  7. I found Clauncher at glacial site at 2510 discoveries
  8. Drillbur at mineral and Nincada at natural both started at around 1,75k discoveries, not 2,4
  9. yeah i did some testing on this its from 13:00 - 1:00 for houndour its from 1:00 - 13:00 for cubone That's what I thought after last night. Thank you for confirming this, hope the OP changes the times soon.
  10. Feral site spawntimes are wrong. I'm at ~1,5k discoveries and 12:40 poketime and keep getting cubones (not houndours.) and fleeing absols (are supposed to be from 0:00-11:59 according to guide) EDIT: 13:01 Poketime and i got a houndour..
  11. Here are the other two:
  12. Hello trainers! I'm offering 5 epic lvl 100 Weaviles. They're all more or less equally great, so they'll share a common price. If you're interested, state which one you're bidding on or which one you want to insta-buy. Bidding ends 2 days after the starting bid. They start at 350k, insta is 600k each. [highlight=yellow]SOLD[/highlight] 2 more in store but site wont let me attach more files, working on it.. (would apreciate someone tell me how..) Have fun and good luck to everybody =)
  13. Re: Bold NC Chansey with nice IVs (Round 2) <r>Chansey sold insta to Daniel91z.<br/> <br/> <ATTACHMENT filename="chanseysold.png" index="0"><s>
  14. Hello fellow trainers! Some of you might remember this thread from earlier, the bidder who won the auction turned out to be fake, so im reopening the auction anew. Bidding starts at 700k and ends 2 days after first bid. Minimum bids 30k. Insta for 1m. Good luck everybody =)
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