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About Lychar

  • Birthday 10/30/1991

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    I wanna be the very best
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    I wanna be the very best

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  1. Thank you sir for these information, I don't want to ask impossible things to the scripting coordinators, just maybe for bo or co, use a window like the trade window even from outside a pc, where u can lock a price, and the poke is stuck in the trade window as the money is when trade is concluded. Will still need to join the owner in its pc to get the pokemon. People can jump into the window to add more money is they want bo, like this we could avoid fake offers, scams, and poke access since someone in Kanto can't trade a Jotho poke or vis-versa. Idk just a thought, my knowledge in computing and code is limited even if I've been studying it a little, I'm more thinking about solution that guarantee this more than literally code my crazy ideas. Thank you one more time for your time and lecture to all.
  2. Personne n'est co, le rafraichissement du status du server n'est pas fonctionnel en ce moment. Il suffit de réessayer plus tard. La plupart des bugs des versions qu'elles soient windows/mac/android ont été fixés, si tu as un problème ces jours ci, ils y a de fortes chances qu'il provienne du server et non de ton matériel. A bientôt sur PRO.
  3. Hi, I have been experiencing the game for couple weeks now and I met some troubles with some trades, or with some traders. Because of the lack of badges, or region access, I assume some people have been confused thinking they could trade some poke. So: -I suggest to give an access to trade channel only after getting the 4th badge, -And put the region of the pokemon your are willing to buy in the poke-window in channels to avoid some useless map crossing that end with a non selling pokemon About the fairness, some people understood that u can not check directly (except if u'r clever enough) if people exist or are online, and some best offer end with one person scamming another, or some people imposing their price by faking other buyers. When there is a best offer, is there a way to make a common chat, so we can see who's here to offer, and who's a ghost ? One last thing, is there a way to lock pokemon when sold for a certain price, I'm not a reporter, but it's been some situations where we agreed on a price, (non best offer, regular deal) with some other trainers, and time to get there, they start not answering because someone else came and beat your offer while u spent 10 min walking from olivine where u where ev training killing the bad krabbys on the beach to viridian the selling city (smells like a true story kid). If I miss red buying/selling topics and my propositions are against rules already set let me know Excuse my english, in France we only have terrible teachers. :thanks:
  4. Supposedly on the website, but refreshing server status is not working atm, these guys make a great job making this game working 24/7. Let's take a coffee, and some croissants, take an hour break and test again, nothing will make it reopen faster, only thing you can do is find another way to make time fly !
  5. Re: Guilde Elite FR [Recrutement] <t>Yo les papouz ! Je suis Stewie in game, je suis assez actif, (6h-8h/jour atm). Ça me botte bien de vous rejoindre je suis entrain de monter une équipe pour le pvp, et partager entre français contre le reste du monde me semble être un bon point de départ. Le french flair parlera de lui même ! Voilà voilà, je ne sais pas si vous avez des conditions d'entrée, si oui laissez moi savoir. Bon courage les Sachas !! May PIKACHU be with u !</t>
  6. I agree, when can we expect a server expand ? It took 10 min to connect before and regular dc were ok. But now the server log me out after 20-30 min playing and I have to wait over an hour. The queue system is a great idea, I agree, but the lack of stability from the server make it really unfair. I also know that there is less than 1500 after 4am (French time) and so u dont need all the time this expand. But EUW seems to be the biggest client, so can we expect increased treatment for us ? Thanks for the game, this community is great and I'm having a great time playing !
  7. Experiencing the same prob on Mac machine, is it normal that we still have 92.1 patch instead of 0.93 or did I miss something. Thank you for you work.
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