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  1. Up! i have test all your solutions but always crash ^^ ! i don't know why my computer is normal. maybe pokemon don't like amd or windows 10 i don't know !
  2. your solutions failed i regret menbership.........................
  3. Ok thanks man i will try your solutions and look if its works. i will post again on this topic if the problem is not solved.
  4. windows 10 64 bits
  5. I have a amd radeon hd 8670m 1gb 6gb ram intel core i5 2.5ghz x4 When i play PRO i have a message who said me " the game has crashed" and the game close.
  6. PRO Username: Pallao Do you have active membership?: Yes Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? (sorry for my english i'm french) Hello i will try to explain my problem. when i play like 5 minutes my game send me "the game don't answer" and i cant play it's boring i gave 10 dollars and i can't play ..... What have you already tried to solve the problem? I tried to execute the program in admin, change settings execute the programm with another windows and my game crash always and always please help me. Description and Message (sorry for my english i'm french) Hello i will try to explain my problem. when i play like 5 minutes my game send me "the game don't answer" and i cant play it's boring i gave 10 dollars and i can't play .....
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