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  1. solved, Thanks a lot :D
  2. Hi @Shinohara Already restart the client and the basket is still missing, can you verify what's wrong with that? Thanks for you concern about this, hope this get solved or there will be no msball for me That's the place where the basket is missing
  3. The easter egg basket on pallet town isnt spawning for me, it appears before the event starts, when i started the egg hunting it didnt appear anymore, i have pick up all the others but still not appearing this one please help
  4. in-Game Name: krlitos95 Discord Tag: kr_litos95#7513 server: Silver How often do you use Discord?: everyday What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord?: announce about the benefits of being in discord, for the newies :D
  5. no es solo a ti dude, es a todos los players creo yo, son los servidores al parecer estan caĆ­dos
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