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  1. Will put that as B.O. looking for more. Thanks check my shop for ralts, thanks Thanks, will do.
  2. Sorry for the late replies. Been busy with stuff. I'll pass on the offers everyone. Thanks though.
  3. Membership + 100k for it
  4. I support this idea too. Been wanting to change my name.
  5. Re: Selling / Trading Pokemon / Medallions <t>Re-opened the shop and added some more Pokemon.</t>
  6. Got my pokemon back, very fast and easy service. Thanks!
  7. IGN: PokeLOL Pokemon: Floatzel - Adamant Current 1st EV: Attack 0 Desired 1st EV: Attack 252 Current 2nd EV: HP 0 Desired 2nd EV: HP 252
  8. Re: Selling / Trading Pokemon / Medallions <t>Added more stuff and the Goldkarp!</t>
  9. Re: Selling / Trading Pokemon / Medallions <t>bump</t>
  10. Selling / Trading the following: Pokemon: Shiny Magikarp - Brave Growlithe - Adamant Riolu - Modest Parasect - Jolly Poochyena - Jolly Phanphy - Adamant Misdreavus - Modest Bagon - Docile - Hidden Ability Kingler - Adamant Whismur - Modest Natu - Calm - Hidden Ability </B> Items: <i></i> Medallions - 180k - Out of stock Nocturnal Feather - 25,000 Dragon Fang - 10,000 Dusk Stone - 20,000 Looking for: Ralts / Gallade - Male - Jolly - Good IVs Budew / Roselia / Roserade - Modest - Good IVs <B>Leave offers below.
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