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  1. Yes it's working now, thank you very much <3
  2. bump
  3. Still unable to play on my account, would it be possible to get an ETA on getting this issue fixed?
  4. But the issue I'm having is on the silver server
  5. As Krist has said, yeah, i'm supposed to be in sinnoh, but i lost all badge progress and my pokemon available in the pc are locked to johto, but i cannot withdraw any of them
  6. i've also got 2 30 day ms token on the gold server with 0 progress on it
  7. i might have possibly merged the wrong colour server when i was on the account merge thing, merged red but thinking i might have been on blue.
  8. So i have not played in some time, i have come back to my account being in a sort of mess. For starters, when i last logged off i was in the sinnoh region about to attempt the elite four, but logging in i am now back in pallet town. my badge progress has been completely reset but my cash seems to have remained the same. i have no way of withdrawing or depositing pokemon when i'm at the centre in viridian city. my entire pc seems the same pokemon i had before i stopped playing also. https://gyazo.com/355d2b9421b1bb2ad3dbec3839fe83bd upon looking again there also seems to be some clothing items i got from donating that have disappeared also, team magma and team aqua
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