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Everything posted by Dialguinha

  1. Hello, in the pokedex Forretress says learn Spikes per level, but at the time of exchange for 2,000 moves next to saffron, does not appear the spikes to be replaced. It's pretty simple, I think it would not need images to it. :banned:
  2. Re: iStore - Added S Murkrow! <t>150k umbreon</t>
  3. :Light: Hello, I will direct my suggestion is related to an npc in the appropriate game for free Battle of categories, ie a player "X" addresses the npc see the available / categories schedules and pay an amount "Y" (It is up to staff decide the price, not very expensive) .... After payment, your place would be guaranteed in any key. The NPC could mean a limit players or let the open enrollment until the last moment of the mini-league start, the keys would be organized automatically by the system and the top three finishers win the inscription of the value of all, being 1st place: 55% the value of registrations, 2nd 30% and 3rd placed 15% .... Conclusion: this move would encourage competitive players to battle and would not be in sameness, insentivando them to go after other pokemon, giving a great trade to the server and also a famous sports rivalry. Sorry for any errors, I am Brazilian and I face some difficulties, leave the text in Portuguese to others. PT-BR Text ~ Olá, serei direto, minha sugestão é relacionado a um npc no jogo apropriado para livres categorias de batalha, ou seja, um jogador "X" se dirige ao npc vê os horários disponiveis/categorias e paga uma quantia "Y" (Cabe a equipe decidir o preço, que não sege muito caro).... Após o pagamento, sua vaga estaria garantida em alguma chave. O npc poderia dizer um limite de jogadores ou deixar a inscrição aberta até o ultimo momento do inicio do mini-campeonato, as chaves seriam organizadas automaticamente pelo sistema e os três primeiros colocados ganhariam o valor da incrição de todos, sendo 1º colocado: 55% do valor das incrições, 2º colocado 30% e 3º 15%.... Conclusão: esse movimento animaria os jogadores competitivos a batalhar e não ficaria na mesmice, insentivando-os a ir atrás de outros pokemon, dando um ótimo comercio ao servidor e também uma famosa rivalidade esportiva.
  4. The 32-bit download file is corrupted, since the client does not update yourself always choose to download it again. What should I do? Thx ^^ ops:version 091
  5. The sync ability of nat works even leaving it in the first place and dead?
  6. Hello, I lost the battle in the Burned Tower for Yellow, now she no rematch of me to move forward and release the GYM does not have what it takes, GYM blocked already checked the whole city, why can not fight with her again?
  7. Can someone help me ? I'm trying to go through the npc the Burned Tower Ecruteak called Yellow, she tells me that waits for some information nothing more. Already helped the girl at school against rocket and already won the HM Surf old. Recalling that as soon as I got Ecruteak was in the tower, but did not see my pokemon dead and I lost maybe seje so I have to wait some time? :Exclam:
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