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Everything posted by Hydman

  1. Well i see no reason not to enter. I have never had a gaming mouse due to the price and would like one so yeah. ign Hydman
  2. thats just a red cap
  3. Some pokemons evolutions are not working, no rush but some of them have been bugged for awhile 1.Female combee to vespiquen 2. Woobat to Swoobat 3. Sliggoo to Goodra 4. Burmy both male and female. 5. Happiny to Chansey. Thats all i've found for now.
  4. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS ARNIE !!] <t>i received tm13 icebeam from lorelei</t>
  5. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEW BOSS ARNIE !!] <t>yeah started with electrode for me and i got leftovers...</t>
  6. Hydman


    Just want to say first that the pokedex is great but just a couple of ideas 1. when it comes to being found in water specify if it's surf or fishing and if fishing what rod is required 2. encounter rate/rarity 3. least important to me... maybe add how to evolve them. Thank you thats all I just wanted to but it out here so it may have a chance. :)
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