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Everything posted by Aotan

  1. I failed sorry no problem !
  2. I saw that, thank you for your answer :)
  3. He's full happiness. @sabrilemarocain thx dude, i'm sad :(
  4. PRO Username: Aotan Do you have active membership?: Yes Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? Nothing wrong What have you already tried to solve the problem? Try to evolve my happiny with different way Description and Message Hey, I can't evolve my happiny, it's the day and he holds oval stone, he lvl up and not evolve I don't understand why. Help me please !
  5. I sell him, can you close this post ? Thanks !
  6. Hi, I sell my Mismagius, b.o is now 290k by MrLaw Insta 400k It ends when I decide :) I edit when I have better offer
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