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Everything posted by Dvyne42

  1. *Name in game* Dvyne42 *Hours of gameplay* 124hrs *How many badges do you have* I am both Kanto and Johto Champion. *Do you know the difference between IV's and EV's?* Yes. *Discord name?* Dvyne42 (5352) *Do you have an interest in PVP?* Yes, I would like to learn all I can. *PVP points?* Rating-1, Wins-3 *Are you an active/social/helpful member?* Yes. I'm very active and I'm looking for a social guild. *Why do you feel you would be a good member?* Simply because I like to help others. Especially since I had to learn this game on my own. I'm very social. Part of the reason for wanting to join is to make good friends :). I'm always up for learning and determined to do so.
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