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  1. Thank you for your attention and answers, I look forward to the next update. Thanks a lot, good work.
  2. First of all, thank you for your answers, but my problem didn't get fixed after I deleted and reinstalled the game, and I really don't know why. I don't use any antivirus software and even my windows defender is turned off. In addition to my game freezing every 1-2 minutes, even when I open my bag and search for any item, my game freezes unbelievably :D Thanks again for your answers and efforts.
  3. With the latest update, my game was freezing when I switched to the chat section, then I solved this problem with the other incoming update. But still my game freezes frequently, every 1 minute. In other words, my freezing problem in the chat section is solved, but my frequent freezing problem in the game is still not resolved. I never had such a problem before. I don't have any screenshots, but when my game freezes, sometimes it shuts down by itself, thanks in advance for your answers, I'm waiting for your help.
  4. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/500377573893603339/587349003826626595/image0.jpg I have fighting Meowth, my pokemon illumise i can switch grifarig, but against my Meowth change the grifarig??? How can i fix it please help me :(
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