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About Airshot

  • Birthday 05/18/1995

Airshot's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Re: Airshop • LVL 100 : Dragonite, Starmie,... | EPIC Poké (Gyarados Auction atm!) | Items | cheapTrash [updated 03/02] <r><QUOTE author="Utsu"><s> </e></QUOTE> sure, connecting right now :)</r>
  2. Re: Airshop • LVL 100 : Dragonite, Starmie,... | EPIC Poké (Gyarados Auction atm!) | Items | cheapTrash [updated 03/02] <r>bump <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  3. Re: Airshop • LVL 100 : Arcanine, Dragonite, Steelix, Slowbro, Starmie,... | EPIC Poké | Items | cheapTrash [updated 01 <t>bump</t>
  4. Re: Airshop • LVL 100 : Arcanine, Dragonite, Steelix, Slowbro, Starmie,... | EPIC Poké | Items | cheapTrash [updated 01 <r><QUOTE author="Utsu"><s> </e></QUOTE> You got B.O <E>:Angel:</E> <br/> <QUOTE author="carleking"><s> </e></QUOTE> pm in game when you can ^^<br/> <QUOTE><s> </e></QUOTE> Pmed me and sold IG <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  5. Re: Airshop • LVL 100 : Arcanine, Dragonite, Steelix, Slowbro, Starmie,... | EPIC Poké | Items | cheapTrash [updated 01 <r><QUOTE author="rawrrr03"><s> </e></QUOTE> you got b o <E>:Grin:</E><e> </e></QUOTE> Until when?<e> </e></QUOTE> tomorow the same hour as you posted if no one else bid :)<br/> <QUOTE author="MooDehh"><s> </e></QUOTE> yeah if no better offer you got this in 24hrs :p</r>
  6. Re: Airshop • LVL 100 : Arcanine, Dragonite, Steelix, Slowbro, Starmie,... | EPIC Poké | Items | cheapTrash [updated 01 <r><QUOTE author="rawrrr03"><s> </e></QUOTE> you got b o <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  7. Re: Airshop • LVL 100 : Scizor, Arcanine, Dragonite, Steelix, Slowbro | EPIC Poké | Sync | cheapTrash [updated 29/01 <r><COLOR color="#4080FF"><s></s>New<e></e></COLOR> Added these pokemon to sell : <br/> <br/> LvL 100 : <LIST><s> </s><LI>- Forretress<br/> - Tentacruel<br/> - Starmie</LI><e></e></LIST> Epic : <LIST><s> </s><LI>- Gyarados #1</LI><e></e></LIST> Good : <LIST><s> </s> <LI>- Gligar #1<br/> - Gyarados #2<br/> - Gyarados #3<br/> - Phanpy #1<br/> - Phanpy #2</LI><e></e></LIST></r>
  8. Re: Airshop • LVL 100 : Scizor, Arcanine, Dragonite, Steelix, Slowbro | EPIC Poké | Sync | cheapTrash [updated 29/01 <r><QUOTE author="Velskulz"><s> </e></QUOTE> Couldn't pm you today^^ Try to contact me another time <br/> <QUOTE author="Pierrot"><s> </e></QUOTE> Make an offer and we'll see <E>:Smile:</E> <br/> <QUOTE author="Fromback"><s> </e></QUOTE> You got best offer for now :)</r>
  9. Re: Airshop • LVL 100 : Scizor, Arcanine, Dragonite, Steelix, Slowbro | EPIC Poké | Sync | cheapTrash [updated 29/01 <r><QUOTE author="Airshot"><s> </e></QUOTE> You got B.O<e> </e></QUOTE> Hey you won the auction so you can Try to contact me in game this evening or next week <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  10. Re: Airshop • LVL 100 : Scizor, Arcanine, Dragonite, Steelix, Slowbro | EPIC Poké | Sync | cheapTrash [updated 29/01 <r><QUOTE author="Velskulz"><s> </e></QUOTE> You got B.O</r>
  11. Re: Airshop • LVL 100 : Scizor, Arcanine, Dragonite, Steelix, Slowbro | EPIC Poké | Sync | cheapTrash [updated 26/01] <r>bump <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  12. Aucun message d'erreur lorsque le jeu crash?
  13. Re: Airshop • LVL 100 : Scizor, Arcanine, Dragonite, Steelix, Slowbro | EPIC Poké | Sync | cheapTrash [updated 26/01] <r><QUOTE author="ToxiicDR"><s> </e></QUOTE> Something like double of what you proposed <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  14. Re: Airshop • LVL 100 : Scizor, Arcanine, Dragonite, Steelix, Slowbro | EPIC Poké | Sync | cheapTrash [updated 26/01] <r><QUOTE author="ToxiicDR"><s> </e></QUOTE> Hey belgian brother :D sorry the offer is a bit too low for these god IVs <E>:Smile:</E></r>
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