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Everything posted by Ikhiel

  1. m
  2. 15min since the last offer : Auction claused Patomilenar for 2M, Feel free to add me ingame so we can proceed !
  3. 1m45 for Joseph61
  4. New offer 1m3 by Joseph61
  5. End of the auction at 00:10, 25min left
  6. 1m150 by Joseph61
  7. 1 hour to go
  8. 1m offer by Maddara
  9. 12h left
  10. 900k by Zeroeevee
  11. - Start : 800k - Min raise : 50k - Auction Last : 24 hours after start - Payment : Pokedoller or CC (450k) Can raise here or by PM in Game i'll post screen with offers here
  12. Hey i don't know if it's planned but when i talk to the npc who gave me porygon he asked me to wait few hours to give me another porygon and now i've 2 porygon in my boxs IGN : Ikhiel
  13. Re: Le Tournoi Français pour les Français! [Red] <t>Bon bah du coup je participe aussi ^^<br/> <br/> Ig: Ikhiel</t>
  14. Ok nice
  15. Oh ok thanks :)
  16. PRO Username: Ikhiel Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: No On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? Maybe it has been already reported but this rock is unbreakable :/ What have you already tried to solve the problem? Description and Message
  17. 400000p$ 200000p$ 200000p$ 250000p$ 115000p$ 90000p$ [pre] I let u pm "Ikhiel" in game the price are negociable but not too much [/pre]
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