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  1. Thank you so much worked perfectly! Thanks again for the quick response!
  2. Bump... anyone know of a way to fix this?
  3. Hello! I finished the Darkrai quest and left the room the weakened Darkrai is in to get my synchronize Pokemon. Since returning to the room it is in I can no longer see or catch the Darkrai. Is this intended?
  4. Hello, I recently completed the dark realm quest and encountered the weakened Darkrai. I left to get my synch pokemon, came back to the room and started the battle. I switched to my false swiper and I was immediately teleported outside to the front of Alucard's Castle without a capture chance. I was wondering what happened here and if I'll get a chance again. When I re-enter the room there is no Darkrai and I feel like the quest was pretty much all for nothing. Hope there is a solution! Bump
  5. Worked perfectly! Thank you so much for the information
  6. I updated my game and tried to log into the gold server for the first time. It tried to make me make a new character, however, I have been playing for a year.
  7. Hi, I recently went to the moon twice spending $30,000. Both times I encountered a random low level Pokemon and disconnected. I was transferred all the way back to the PC and I have no money left to go back to the moon. Is this intended and can anything be done about this?
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