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Posts posted by Renataglasc

  1. What is your IGN?
    What is your discord?
    Teemo #4341
    Tell us a little about yourself.
    Henlo! I am Vishal from Mumbai, India. I am 24 Y.O and I work as an Assistant Manager in a Mutual fund company here.
    How many hours do you currently have?
    Do you know any existing members?
    Many of my friends from Trinity are in this guild \o/.
    Have you been in a guild before? If so, which one(s)?
    I have been Legacy (Gold), Team Plasma (Silver), Scarlet (Silver), Trinity (Silver).
    What are your expectations for this guild?
    No expectations.
    What You are looking for from the guild?
    What other games do you play online?
    League of legends :3
    What is your favorite pokemon and what made them stick out to you?
    Darkrai cus it looks haunting.
    In your own words, please describe why you need to be recruited into this guild.
    If you're interested in PvP what is your favorite Archetype to use (Ex. HO, Balance, Stall, Weather, etc)? 
    I usually play balanced but currently learning how to play HO ans Weather :)

    Some extra things about myself.

    I am a very old player and I used to get high 300s ratings in pvp back in 2017-18 then I took a break from game for like 3 years and joined back last year in January. I always contribute 100-150 ratings to the guild as a minimum requirement. (cus I couldn't figure out current meta and I suck at pvp now.) I can push even higher it's just that with the little time that I get after work I usually spend it hunting things 😄 and currently I am hunting for event scyther. (9 boxes no event :c)


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  2. Hey there! I wanna join our INDIAN guild..!

    1. What is your ign?


    2. Number of hours you have played?

    1073 hr 30 min

    3. What is your favourite pokemon?


    4. What is your current PVP Rating?

    started game again after a long break so it is 0

  3. Name Change


    change into: TeemoGod

    Server: Silver


    Hi there. Unfortunately the name you’ve selected is already taken. As stated, the username must be completely free. With that, a player cannot have this name at all (Progress or not), as they may return at any point. Therefore, please feel free to make a General Complaint post addressed to me filling up the format again with a free name. I’m really sorry and I hope you understand. - Fluffles
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