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Kirikouleroux's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Re: WTS Shiny Donphan - Good for PVP <t>offer end for skyflair can you pm me in game ?</t>
  2. Re: WTS Shiny Donphan - Good for PVP <t>Skyflair start 2m , offer end Tuesday 9:58 am :)</t>
  3. Re: LARVESTA TIMID GOOD IVS <t>Yes sorry</t>
  4. Re: WTS Shiny Donphan - Good for PVP <t>Donphan t5 shiny good iv good nature good ability pvp ready 1m its too small . but np if i dont sell him 2m i can play him :)</t>
  5. Re: WTS Shiny Donphan - Good for PVP <t>up ! :)</t>
  6. Re: LARVESTA TIMID GOOD IVS <t>Sold to gasty95 :) can you pm me in game ?</t>
  7. Re: LARVESTA TIMID GOOD IVS <t>Start 500k by gasty95 end offer at 22/12 10:48 am</t>
  8. RULES 1. You can contact me in game or forum. 3. If you give me a time, my timezone is GMT/UTC +1. Larvesta timid Start Offer : 500k End: 24h after first offer
  9. Re: WTS Shiny Donphan - Good for PVP <t>No 2m sorry</t>
  10. RULES 1. You can contact me in game or forum. 2. You can trade with coins. 100c = 500k 3. If you give me a time, my timezone is GMT/UTC +1. Donphan Impish Sturdy Start Offer : 2m End : 48h after first offer
  11. Re: Shiny Machoke no guard adamant good iv <t>Im in game now if you want</t>
  12. Re: Shiny Machoke no guard adamant good iv <t>Sell to shyuno can you pm me in game :) ?</t>
  13. Re: Shiny Machoke no guard adamant good iv <t>Start offer 800k by Shyuno. end offer at Thursday 11:18pm :)</t>
  14. Yeah im sorry im "newbie" on a forum , i pm mg for delete the useless post
  15. I failed 2 post you can see a good post : https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=163&t=84173
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