Hello everyone, I first wanted to log in game but since I couldn't, I thought I should come here and introduce myself!
So, my name is Philippe (does anyone care? not really sure) and I'm 29 years old. I've been a fan of the pokemon franchise from the very beginning and even if I don't play the latest games (don't have 3ds nor wii-u even if there are no big pokemon games on wii-u as long as I remember). Yet I keep reading the news on the pokemon games and I'm fond of pokemon fan games.
I heard about this one very recently from YT and it looked very cool, so I decided I got to give a try. and even if I can't log on for the moment, I look forward to play it and meet all the players of the game!
I don't know what else can I say about me. I'm from france, I love sleeping, eating and listening to music. I love other things for sure but I won't make a list, it would take years.
Well, it seems that's it, so thank you everyone and see you in game! bbye