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Everything posted by Vypz

  1. Wts this talonflame bo ends 24h after bo start minimum bid 100k more than the previous offer Edit : Sold to Hugosousapro
  2. And is it possible to tell me his e-mail adress to contact him ?
  3. PRO Username: Vypz Do you have active membership?: No Your knowledge about PRO: Advanced Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? What have you already tried to solve the problem? Description and Message Good morning / Good afternoon 1 Week ago I lend 2 pokemons to a player named Sakorimaru because he didn't succeed to beat the pokemon league. However, he's not connected, I think he stopped to play. How can I get back my pokemons ? Pokemons that I lend were my OT Goodra and a Charizard bought to my friend Akiltour (but he was not the original trainer, I can't remember the OT's name). Thank you for your help.
  4. Re: Jaeco's shop (added legendary shinx) <t>250k for ludicolo</t>
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