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  1. https://gyazo.com/02f3afa087e054cf7a3acc2b15806108
  2. https://gyazo.com/fab602248e23b43167cc7db8dab6857e
  3. https://gyazo.com/2b3853e9a4bcb3f9c87b507cfa11e25a
  4. I have decided to sell my recently caught even gible, this auction will be cross server but should the winner be from gold they will be expected to come and pick up the pokemon or pay 1cc/400k for my transfer Won by Kiles100 Acceptable tender: Poke dollars, Coin capsules (value of 380k), IV Rerolls (Value 700k) Insta: 8m min bid: 250k Ends - 72hours after first bid is made Contact Ingame: Ssandraberg Discord: Sandra#7913
  5. canceled post please remove
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  6. I have added you on discord :) could not message you if not for some reason and you where offline in game!
  7. sure whats your name ingame im online right now Ssandraberg
  8. Grats! Please type to me on discord Sandra#7913 or add me in game "ssandraberg" so we can make the trade :)
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