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  1. Please, I need help, i can't play with this bug :(
  2. I tried to logging game again and alt+tab but it doesn't work. When I tried to walk, my player moves in the good direction but he don't move. I stay in my place.
  3. PRO Username: Aurage Do you have active membership?: Yes Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? I was in the city of christmas What have you already tried to solve the problem? Fight someone and lose for going in a pokemon center but i stay in the road 1 Description and Message Hi ! I use my cousin account for connect into the forum because i don't know why, i can't with my account. I was in the Christmas Town and after the update, i was teleported in the road 1 but i can't move, if i try, my player turn on himself. For simplicity, i can move but i can't walk. Help me please, thanks.
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