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About Nightumbreon7

  • Birthday 04/30/1994

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  1. xd 20k... its a nice male ralts (gallade), i think is worth more less (untrained) 300k (becouse the lower iv is the atack one)
  2. i offer 300k for wobbufet (if the auction last more than 1 week, i cancel my bid; im not waiting 1 month)
  3. lifeguard2018, all the people who posted here are shiny collectors from blue and red, and they know very well the shiny market, maybe you should reconsider the price (if you really wts that cute shiny). And all wanted the best wishes for your bid. hope you have a nice bid.
  4. i don't know rick it seems fake....
  5. Sorry for the bad appearance of the shop, but I suck doing this kind of things, anyway the important stuff here are the pokes; hope you like them. Do not be rude with other players posts or with mine. (that includes no off topic coments pls) I accept cc=330k ING: NightUmbreon7 Mandibuzz: 600k Aggron: 350k Donphan: 200k Breloom: 250k Clawitzer: 200k Tangrowth: 250k
  6. +1 the miss of that moves really get this pvp meta really repetitive, and is ez to abuse tank pokes.
  7. im sorry to say that this poke has only a "nice" ivs, but it dosent has good nature (adamant or jolly) and its ability must be limber or instead Klutz. So i recomend you to not waste your time training that poke, wich has no use in pvp. your poke is worth right now 5k-10k and if you train it, just 60k-80k for being a lvl 100 poke. next time when you think you have a good poke( or wanna go farm a poke), try to google it in smogon so you could see how that poke must be.
  8. im interested in solrock, does this poke has an insta price?
  9. 20k here, since no start bid and no time
  10. NOT sold, since the player took back his offer
  11. okay mate, we have deal then. im going to be online in the game at 8pm (gmt+1) more or less
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