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About Zalera

  • Birthday 07/18/1991

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  1. Re: Buying calm budew <r><IMG src="https://puu.sh/mbqbs/bef103ca47.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  2. yeah, at least on pro u can get other pok than normal pok at beginning
  3. you should be sick for trying a nuzlocke, maybe i'll try it with a second account another time.
  4. i'l do my best! :p
  5. Hey Guyz ! Hello everyone, and specially for the team of PRO, you make a really great job. I didnt play pokemon since the second generation, and u made me fall in childhood. I'm maxime from france. i'm 24 old guy ! that's why my english is not really good. I tried to do the best i can. My name IG is Zalera. I played some MMO before, most of the time it was WoW, i've got good memories from this experience, specially the Pvehl content. And my second love is Counter Strike GO, i've spend the most time on it for MatchMaking game. I'm looking for a guild, french if possible it's better for communication you know :3 So cya later on the game !
  6. Re: 1600 really? <t>I've start the game 3 days ago, now we have 55 more slot, maybe we will have more slot in the next week</t>
  7. Re: 1600 really? <t>They want add capacity when the server will be more stable</t>
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