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Everything posted by Faiden

  1. dude, it got insta'd which is twice your offer....
  2. technically you didnt bid within the 8 hours (12.40pm to 10.49pm is roughly 10 hours) so i guess he doesnt feel like giving it to you
  3. that made me laugh :D gl with that auction
  4. dafuq am i reading?
  5. how do i know its pvp rdy if you scratch out the first move?
  6. cant see any froakie :P
  7. lol i honestly didnt see you starting, you edited your commend from "good luck" to "start", didnt you? but yeah you did, pm me ingame
  8. there are a few reasons behind it: frst of all i dont wanna be a money blocker, which means i dont want to reduce the price of a certain pokemon just because im in the same guid as he is. my second reason is that i dont know fallen that good. he didnt tell my anything about this volca before he made this auction and he didnt know that im MAYBE interested in. my last reason is that i wanted to have a fair competition. so is that enough?
  9. lol you can even see that i posted at 1:59 on that screenshot :D pls stop that bashing without any reason
  10. it was over at 2 c'clock british time, the post of "25 minutes left" just gives you the hint that its over after that but doesnt increase or decrease the auction time, it can also be 26minutes then :D
  11. sry mate, i looked at the time of 3 different clocks which are synced with the atomic clock and i posted 20 secs before the auction was over. why do you even increase your bid when you are sure that it already was over?
  12. its already over, isnt it?
  13. 1,7m
  14. not sure whats wrong with your point of view but you are the one that joined 2018 (newbie) and your last auction was more than fishy aswell
  15. Hey there, today i wanna sell my epic bold Vullaby. It already got ev + lvl trained. Starting price is at 750k, havent decided about an Insta yet. Min bid increasement is 100k (!) This auction will go on for 48h after the first offer. gl to all of you
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