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Impish's Achievements



  1. auction will be til wednesday 19 july C/O is 300k from I3est s magnemite timid+magnet pull lvl 15 johto untrained 9 atk, 13 def, 4 spd, 27 spatk, 14 spdef , 25 hp iv hp bug
  2. i think there should be a notification if you really want to remove a person from your friendslist. there are too many times where i or someone who i know wants to message but clicks on remove and the person is instantly removed. would be a small but great qol update for me atleast.
  3. Impish


    no i mean the kanto story red that you face after 4 badge for example or lance in vermillion. they should give a good reward because its very very hard to beat them at that time.
  4. Impish


    why arent there any achievments in this game? could be a nice way to promote cash items like ms etc too if you would give a 1 day ms ticket or something for completing maybe kanto/johto/hoen. there are multiple "hard" things to do in this game like boss fights or winning vs story lance/red. esp winning against red is so useless and not rewarding at all for such a hard fight. maybe get the chance to rebattle them in these scenes so you can still do the achievment if you finished the story ( maybe a celebi timetravel event?). or maybe give some clothing for achievment kind of how it was with vulcan island (that was great btw). a few ideas for achievments: completing kanto/johto/hoen, kill every legendary possible, finding a rarity 9 pokemon,finding a shiny, completing kanto/johto/hoen dex, leveling a pokemon up to 100, beating boss xy, beat red/lance in story
  5. everyone who doesnt know the even/uneven order and wants a certain hp like magnemite hp fire knows that it is a drag to always check the ivs on external sites to know what hp type a pokemon has. i think giving a indication what hidden power type every pokemon has on the status would be a great qol change. just like a bar somewhere with like hp: fire would make it more pleasent to search for hp pokemon.
  6. can smb confirm if there is a item in love island diamond cave? i was there and couldnt find anything, talked to everything etc.
  7. i have read that you cant get dratini in safari zone without ms or without super rod that you only get in johto. i think that is really unfair to make such an iconic pokemon, maybe even THE dragon pokemon in the game unavailable for most people in kanto. im cool with getting certain pokemon earlier like shinx but dratini is probably one of the biggest reasons why people in original games went to the safari zone. what is the reason for that decision? also, would it be possible to make an option to disable/enable the throwing pokeball animation?
  8. need a pricecheck for some pokemons. i take offers impish420 on yellow growlithe untrained lvl 19 kanto jolly intimidate atk 31 iv, def 20, spd 22, spa 23, spdef 17, hp 25 magikarp untrained lvl 5 kanto jolly swift swim atk 30, def 25, spd 28, spa 14, spdef 05, hp 18 magikarp untrained lvl 5 kanto jolly swift swim atk 20, def 14, spd 31, spatk 13, spdef 31, hp 21 magikarp untrained lvl 5 kanto jolly rattled atk 31,def 06, spd 15, spatk 27, spdef 09, hp 27
  9. i always liked reuniclus and chandelure a lot. i used to play them competetiv in b/w and they always did a great job.
  10. Impish


    Hello, im a former planet player and i really like this game but there are a few things i think could make this game even better. one thing would be a market place, maybe a central one in a city or make it a option in the normal pokemarkt. a market place would make trading way better, you could get items without waiting for people to trade and the chance to get ripped off or even dont find your desired items would be way less. also everyone would have access to more pokemon to create their desired team and it would help with the constant price check because you could just compare prices in the market. people who sell their stuff would also have a easier time because not everyone is always on the trade chat. a small fee would also help with the money flow in the game. i cant see a real downside to this, besides maybe less player interaction but if you trade you dont really write a lot so there isnt much interaction anyways. another thing could be the easier way to get a full pokedex but you would need a lot of money anyways and you could do the same in the trading chat if certain people are online and willing to help. if something like this would be implemented, think a search bar and nature/shiny/pokemon/item maybe even iv filter would be great.
  11. impish420 yellow server germany
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