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  1. Re: Snivy Shop 25+ spd except one hp fire <t>Insta 3m the hp fire one</t>
  2. As the title says, I'm looking for a Contrary Serperior with hp fire and, at the very least, slightly above average ivs. Please post a picture of your serperior and its price. Thank you for your time!
  3. Hello! I wish to auction off this gorgeous, rare Lapras :) Starting bid: 3m Insta: 10m - I am only accepting offers in the form of Pokedollars. - This auction will end 48 hours following the first offer, or if the insta price is bid. - Each offer must be at least 200k higher than the previous offer. Thank you for your time, and good luck! Edit: [glow=red]Sold[/glow] to Petlancer for 10m
  4. As the title says, the game has not yet given me the option to evolve to Hitmonlee. It's supposed to evolve into Hitmonlee when its Attack > Def, and as you can see by the picture below it is still trying to evolve into Hitmontop despite having attack EVs. Is there a resolution?
  5. Finished the daily bug catching event and when I talked to the judge I got the dialogue, "Failed to interact with this NPC". When this happens I am no longer able to move, and when I relog the bug happens again so I'm stuck in this area. Please advise P.S. I've experienced this bug with some of the nurse joys in a few of the sinnoh poke centers as well Edit: Resolved itself eventually after multiple relogs
  6. Hello, I farmed a bunch of scatterbugs this morning and used role play to make sure they had Compound Eyes. When I came across one I was content with, I made sure to double check that it had Compound Eyes before training it. After fully evolving it into Vivillon its ability changed into Shield Dust. I thought maybe I was going crazy and somehow trained a Shield Dust Scatterbug so I went and evolved a trash compound scatter, which also turned into the ability shield dust. Is this somehow how it's supposed to be? I haven't played any games past gen 4 so this is a foreign pokemon to me, but it seems that this is a bug. Can someone confirm this? Thank you.
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