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Everything posted by Happyyyyy

  1. @Yazzop hey uve won the auction pls ping me when u want to trade
  2. S.O : 300K MIN BID : 25K TIME : 24 hours after first bid Accepting : pokedollars only
  3. 543210
  4. 400k
  5. 300k
  6. 275k
  7. @Dage1hao congratulations u have won the bid pls pm me whenever ur available to pick up the gliscor
  8. S.O = 500K Min bid = 50K time = 24 hours after the first offer accept = cc - 350k
  9. 24 hours over bid won by @Acetzy pm me whenever ur on ingame
  10. S.O - 500k Min. bid - 50k time - 24 hours after first offer accept only cash
  11. 100k both
  12. sold can be closed
  13. SOLD !!!! to laviter for 3.3m pm me ingame whenever u can collect it
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