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Everything posted by Pokharsh

  1. Re: Riyubas453 Shop (Updated 24-Dec) <t>Hi Riyubas,<br/> I wanna buy Galvantula Pm me in game.</t>
  2. Re: Riyubas453 Shop (Updated 24-Dec) <t>Hi riyubas,<br/> I wanna buy your galvantula. Just for the price u said 100k Pm me in game.</t>
  3. that horsea speed is not good that is why
  4. or speed can be 25+
  5. just show me pokes according to my wishlist nature can be different I do not mind but iv and ability should be according to my wishlist Thank You!!!
  6. hi I am ready to give u some natu sync but tell me have u started hoenn I am in hoenn with 6 badges can offer u those sync contact me once I am in game I will catch them 4 for in half an hour Thank You
  7. plz If any one have one of them tell me
  8. This one is a good spatk but it is not the ability or nature I asked so sorry...
  9. Re: some epic pokes selling check it out :D <t>how much for ferrothorn?</t>
  10. I Seriously want them:--- 1.Teddiursa (any ability) (Rash nature) (max speed) (28+ spatk) 2.Horsea (Ability : sniper) (Rash nature) (max speed) (28+ spatk) 3.Dratini(Ability : marvel scale) (Ada nature) (max speed) (28+ atk) 4.Riolu(any ability) (Ada nature) (max speed) (28+atk) 5.Happiny(ability : natural cure) (Impish nature) (28+ def) (28+ spdef) (28+hp) 6.Togepi(ability : Serene grace) (Jolly nature) (25+atk)(max speed) 7.Ferroseed(ability : iron barbs) (Impish nature) (max speed) (25+def) (25+spdef) IF YOU GOT ANY 1 OF THEM PLEASE CONTACT ME IN THIS GAME THANK YOU! OR YOU CAN CONTACT ME ON MY SECOND ACCOUNT THAT IS pokemonIndia THANK YOU!
  11. Re: Pay really well for these Pokes <t>I got that ada h.a dragonite how much u can pay me for that?(atlest 1.5m)</t>
  12. how much u are going to pay for a level 100 h.a dragonite and I atleast want 2m
  13. just tell me how much u are gonna pay... and contact me in the game to trade.... you can give pokemons, money, coins, mounts etc. ok?
  14. sorry that picture is uploaded by mistake I am re uploading the image you can see :--
  15. hello there I want glisgor and I can trade it with my Durant.
  16. I have a jolly nature drillber level 51 of kanto region tell me your budget for this
  17. hello there I have a level 52 fletchling I can give for a suitable price please offer me. Thank You
  18. hello there I have a level 82 shiftry can I know your budget so I can sell.
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