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About Draka

  • Birthday 06/09/1990

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  1. Hi my name in game is Draka IG, and sorry for my english beacause i'm french, i try my best : D I'm an old player so i already finished the adventure and i love hunt good pokemon. Now with Mega pokemon, i finally pvp ! I began two day ago so i'm just around 130 rating beacause the season end, but i'll progress and i have some good ot pokemon like https://www.zupimages.net/up/21/13/kidb.jpg to use ! Since i just start to pvp, i don't realy search to join the best pvp guild or something like that. I just want to join a cool group but at least a bit pvp. Have a nice day everyone !
  2. Hi, for the moment i just want a price check to see if it's worth to sell, beacause i don't theses pokemon a lot. Thanks you
  3. I forgot to edit my shop. Tangela hp ice solded a fews week ago during a B.O. Others Tangela are always available but the shop is closed for the moment.
  4. End : 24h after the start to late for DhraK4 and wedantara the auction was already finished, i couldn't post a message beacause i just had a big unexpected IRL. But the winner is Jordanx. contact me in game where you're up.
  5. Price decreased to 200k and instal to 400 k
  6. KinhThoai won the B.O. wp to him Stop troll me Alixx xD
  7. 24h left Insta price changed for 6m ( if I understood the rules correctly i can change the insta price if it has not been reached yet, it's my first B.O. )
  8. Bo 3m2 by KinhThoai 47 h left
  9. Start price : 200k Min raise : 20k Insta : 400k End : 24h after the start Accepted : Capsule coin for 300k In-game name : Draka
  10. Bo 3 m by Darkvader 72H left ( Brr why i said 72h... it's so long xD )
  11. Start price : 1m5 Min raise : 150k Insta : 6m End : 72h after the start ( Started, Sunday 6 pm ) Accepted : Capsule coin for 300k In-game name : Draka
  12. Tangrowth lvl 100 sold
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