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Everything posted by Mynamels

  1. What is your Discord tag? Meliodas#4693 How often do you use Discord? sadly not as much as last month since i started working xD If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be? Well i think the events are actually a great idea to keep the player base active, however i think they could be a bit more regular :p that's my suggestion
  2. Prices Added
  3. Sup guys! i was wondering... which is your most expected anime for this season? Personally mine is Nanatsu no Taizai since i've been waiting for this season for almost a year! But there are also some other pretty good animes, this year starts very well tbh, if we "ignore" the sequels, well perhaps Kokkoku is probably the one the few new animes i'll watch so i kinda have some high expectations for that anime :3 what you guys think? :Angel:
  4. Re: Accepting offers Shiny <r>this is not an auction <MENTION><s>[mention]</s>Joguar<e>[/mention]</e></MENTION> :v so NO</r>
  5. i watched it, it was pretty awesome, i specially liked their character development both for the movie, and the improvements for SAO. The story was pretty good i'd rate it maybe 8.5/10 it had some problems but, compared to what we've saw so far it wasn't bad at all,about hte character development maybe 8/10 since there where somethings they could've done better. The Animation well... it was great(specially during the fights, it was pretty solid) 9.5/10 it was probably what made the movie gain life, the whole movie would be a 9/10 based on what i said before, but it really gives you some hype for the next season, since they did a great job with the movie, i think we can expect some great animations(better than the one they had before) for the next season, so yeah i'm pretty hyped for SAO 3 :D
  6. Re: Accepting offers Shiny <r>No thank you <MENTION><s>[mention]</s>riyubas453<e>[/mention]</e></MENTION> <br/> <br/> <MENTION><s>[mention]</s>Rod07<e>[/mention]</e></MENTION> "Accepting offers"</r>
  7. Hello, I'm selling these pokes : 5m 5m 1.5m 12m 3.5m 3.5m 1.5m 2m 3.5m Only accept Cash or CC= 350k :thanks:
  8. Auction cancelled due to no offers ^^
  9. Hello guys today i'm doing an auction on this Shiny Minccino, Only obtainable at boss shamac, so it's a tier10 shiny and there are only 2 at the server, the 1st one probably inactive. (It evolves with shiny stone) cc = 350k (i can also accept other shiny) Start Offer : 15m Insta : 27.5m The auction will end 3 days after the 1st bid *Edited* : Insta added
  10. Hello guys i'm accepting offers for this shiny, send me your offers via pm or post here. thanks!
  11. Re: ❄ Christmas Event 2017 Walkthrough! ❆ <t>wow great guide o-o</t>
  12. MEMBER CATEGORY Smartest: Wannes Friendliest: iCatchFeralCats Funniest: DeadlyCookie Coolest: Sycherthour Comeback Player of the Year: Joguar <3 Most Talkative: PopInSmoke Most Trustworthy: Pharaomage Most Helpful: Pharaomage Most Missed: Luminetor77 Most Influential: Snowbull Most Intriguing: Ellida STAFF CATEGORY Best GM: Neroli Best CC: Calahan Best MOD: Letrix Best CS: Artoriel Best Artist: Sirmeowington Best Mapper: Tiggus Most Professional Staff: Suhuzen Most Friendly Staff: Neroli Most Dedicated Staff: Shaui Most Honorable Former Staff: Fa99les
  13. yeah that and when you link the pokemon, just shows a normal slurpuff xD isn't that called sprite [mention]YuiFelwood[/mention] ?
  14. [mention]YuiFelwood[/mention] yes Here they're u can see it normal ingame but battle or link u can't :S
  15. Hello, there's a slurpuff at the blue server and probably others too and it has been like 4 months and still has no sprite :s woudl it be possible to be added please? Thank you!
  16. The net-juu anime is pretty cool! :3
  17. Re: Shiny Minccino <t>i'll insta it</t>
  18. Hello! I'm looking for both animated sign and avatar, i'm from blue server pm me at discord and show me some of your art works so that we can talk about prices!! Discord id : Bruno || MyNamels#4693 :thanks: :Angel:
  19. NPC Name: Santa's Guardian Dialogue: Hmm.. have you been a good boy during this year? let's check with Santa The Cookie eater NPC Name: Santa the Cookie eater Starting Dialogue: Very well! seems you've been a good kid! are you ready to see your gift? Losing Dialogue: Noo! So the grinch sent you here..!? Next christmas we will win for sure! On Cooldown Dialogue: ho-ho-ho Christmas is almost here! In 4 days i'll check how you've behaved this year! Team:Abomasnow,xmas pikachu,xmas sylveon,breloom,mamoswine,froslass.
  20. Hello guys i'm here selling the next pokes : SOLD SOLD SOLD 1m 500k SOLD 150k SOLD SOLD Accept money or cc = 350k Pm here or ingame !
  21. is this an auction? if yes when it ends? if not any start?insta? xD
  22. Sup guys! i'm looking for a Nidoran M or evo Speed 29+ (pref. 31) Spatk 28+ Other iv's 25+ Nature : Timid Ability : Hustle/Sheer Force Also Looking for a horsea or evo Speed 31 Other iv's 25+ Nature : Rash Abiliy : Swift Swim PM me if you have any of these, here or ingame Nick : MyNamels
  23. Hello guys i'm looking for a Godly Kingdra Nature : Modest Abilty : Swift Swim Iv's : 31sd 26+spatk others 20+ (except atk) if you have this kingdra and you want to sell, pm me here or ingame IGN : MyNamels
  24. if it's 9:43 once the time says 9:43 offers are not acceptable ^^ since auction is over...
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