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Everything posted by Blus

  1. That's not how it has to be calculated, Medicham has 284 speed and Weavile 383 at lvl 100 : 284 x 1,5 = 426 > 383 Thanks for your answers, didn't know about that bug.
  2. Don't know if this belongs here, but it's not the first time I encounter this bug. I was using Medicham with choice scarf, but some pokemons (like a life orb weavile for example) were faster than me, and shouldn't be. Sorry that I don't have any evidence, but I hope you can fix this quick.
  3. Bump !
  4. I think this bug is related to the fact that we have to pick the replacing pokemon when clicking the move (Volt-switch or U-turn), which shouldn't be the case either. One should pick the replacing pokemon right after the move actually hit the enemy pokemon.
  5. [glow=blue] [/glow] [glow=red]FIRST, RULES:[/glow] 1. Owner have full right of his pokemon. 2. Items aren't sold with pokemons. 3. I can decide to cancel any auction if the final price doesn't reach my expectations. 4. People making fake offer or canceling transaction when the deal is done will be reported. 5. I'll try to read this topic as often as I can, leave your offer here. If I'm not online in forum, feel free to add me ingame ( IGN : Blus). 6. I may accept payment with Coins, or trades if you have pokemons from my wishlist. 7. Rule can be change anytime i want. 8. Be respectful and happy shopping. [glow=red]WISHLIST:[/glow] Impish + Sturdy [glow=grey]Skarmory[/glow] : 25+ Def, Spdef, HP / 17+ Atk, Spd Modest + Sap sipper [glow=purple]Goodra[/glow] : ~20+ All stats Jolly [glow=black]Weavile[/glow] : 31 Speed /25+ Atk / 15+ Other stats [glow=red]POKEMONS FOR SALE:[/glow] - Insta: 2.2m - Insta: 650k - Insta: 600k - Insta: 600k - Insta: 500k - Insta: 450k - Insta: 400k - Insta: 350k - Insta: 350k - Insta: 300k
  6. Hi everyone, i'm selling those 2 poke, feel free to bid : [glow=pink]Sylveon[/glow] Starting bid : 1.1m Insta price : 1.6m [glow=red]Talonflame[/glow] Starting bid : 700k Insta price : 1m
  7. Re: Quanle92's Cheap Shop (Huge update Feb 8th) <r>Id like to buy Trecko for 300k please <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  8. Re: WTS Epic Eevee (bold and H.A) !!! <r>I'd like to raise to 1.8m <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  9. Yes I sarted Hoenn as it cames out, so I have to spend 100 more hours in Hoenn to be able to catch Jirachi or is it fine even if I spend those in Kanto/Johto ?
  10. Yes I sarted Hoenn as it cames out, so I have to spend 100 more hours in Hoenn to be able to catch Jirachi or is it fine even if I spend those in Kanto/Johto ?
  11. Hey guys,I am planning to catch Jirachi, fighting the legendaries, evos, dex full and everything. I also saw that I need a certain ammount of playtime hours in Hoenn. The problem is that the NPC is bugged, and I'm pretty sure I have enough Hoenn play hours, but Birch tells me I have 0 hours here. I'd be glad if you could provide me any help I play on Red Server, my ign is Blus When I realized that, he already rebooted, I only have this image to show that I already completed Hoenn, which can obviously not be done in 1h
  12. Re: Akatsuki Guild Shop (Full PvP & Epic Mons) <t>I'd like to offer 1.4m for Enforcer's politoed</t>
  13. Re: Materiano Shop [ VERY EPIC PVP HIPPOWDON ] PVP,Epics and Goods... <r>Insta on scyther <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  14. Re: [NEW] Blus Shop ! <t>Bump !</t>
  15. Re: [NEW] Blus Shop ! <t>Haxo sold for insta price</t>
  16. Re: [NEW] Blus Shop ! <r>New auction on Haxorus after tonight bidings :<br/> <IMG src="https://image.prntscr.com/image/9cbb6854f1a24b1d87d47e3010311c62.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  17. Re: [NEW] Blus Shop ! <t>Bump !<br/> <br/> Auction started on Haxorus</t>
  18. 1. Owner have full right of his pokemon. 2. I can decide to cancel any auction if the final price doesn't reach my expectations. 4. People making fake offer or canceling transaction when the deal is done will be reported. 5. I'll try to read this topic as often as I can, leave your offer here. If I'm not online in forum, feel free to add me ingame ( IGN : [glow=blue]Blus[/glow]). 6. I can accept payment with Membersip ( 1 ms = 300k ), or trades if you have pokemons from my wishlist. 7. Rule can be change anytime i want. 8. I bet you didn't notice there is no rule 3. 9. Be respectful and happy shopping. :Angel: [glow=white]Some pokes for a rain team :[/glow] Modest+Drizzle [glow=blue]Politoed[/glow] - B.O. : - - Insta : 700k Adamant+Swift swim [glow=brown]Kabutops[/glow] - B.O. : - - [glow=red]SOLD INSTA[/glow] Timid+Swift swim [glow=brown]Omastar[/glow] - B.O. : - - [glow=red]SOLD INSTA[/glow] [glow=white]Other pokes :[/glow] Bold+Swift swim [glow=blue]Feebas[/glow] - B.O. : - - Insta : 300k Bold+Marvel scale [glow=blue]Milotic[/glow] - B.O. : - - Insta : 500k Adamant+Huge Power [glow=blue]Azumarill[/glow] - B.O. : - - Insta : 400k Jolly+Mold Breaker [glow=violet]Haxorus[/glow] - B.O. : - - [glow=red]SOLD INSTA[/glow] Jolly+Moxie [glow=green]Heracross[/glow] - B.O. : - - Insta : 400k Careful+Torrent [glow=blue]Blastoise[/glow] - B.O. : - - Insta : 350k Serious+Overcoat [glow=black]Mandibuzz[/glow] - B.O. : - - Insta : 250k :y:
  19. The aquatail tutor can't learn it to my swampert, i don't know if it's a bug or something...
  20. Bump, insta price added
  21. Hi there i would like to sell that rare shiny[glow=green]Kecleon[/glow]. I keep myself the right to cancel the auction if i don't like the b.o. when it ends. Bids will last 48h after the first offer. I will accept ms as 300k, and may accept trades. SOLD [glow=green]1.5m[/glow] to Jhaxion
  22. Hello there, I'd like to buy a pokemon that I really like : Swablu I'm looking for one that has def or spdef nature and at least decent ivs, my budget is up to 100k Don't hesitate to contact me in game too : Blus See you in game !
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