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  1. Yo Minkop 19 étudiant J'en suis au début de Johto que je vais terminer le plus rapidement possible J'aimerai bien une guilde afin de pouvoir discuter tout en jouant, s'entraider, donner et avoir des conseils etc Version courte la guilde m'intéresse :p (surtout pour le nom)
  2. Why do I have a traded ? Isn't actually
  3. WTS This absol pretty strong IV Highly offer win
  4. Thanks a lot but that's not what i want :Ambivalent: I mean, I want to show my pokemon from the game with his stats etc
  5. Hey guys I'm noob on this forum and I want to sell a pokemon but i don't know how to insert the screen of my pokemon (on a topic in this forum) I think i just missed something but I search since 1 hour... Hope I'll get help fast
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