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Everything posted by Panchala

  1. PRO Username: Panchala Do you have active membership?: Yes Your knowledge about PRO: Beginner What have you done before the problem was there? I've only connected to the game What have you already tried to solve the problem? nothing, dunno what to do Description and Message had about the same problem before (without touching any key my "body" went straight right), but it has changed in worst. it's not right anymore, it is left, and i can't change direction. For being more precise i go left endlessly, and went i turn back to the right i re-turn back instantly. going up and down working well though. Thx for helping me.
  2. PRO Username: Panchala Do you have active membership?: Yes Your knowledge about PRO: Beginner What have you done before the problem was there? i change my secondary keys ? not sure anymore What have you already tried to solve the problem? i log out and relog in since then, and i changed all my key binding related to movement both primary and secondary Description and Message hello last time i got a bug that kept me going to the right until i touch another key. i need to get pass the elevator in order to defeat giovanni at the casino but i'm pushed away every time because of that bug!! HELP PLZ i use 2 screens, and when i write something and my second screen, my avatar on my first screen in the same time stop moving, but when i play "again", the bug is still here. Plus i have problems to get in the levator timme to time too, but more half of the time it works so it's ok
  3. deuxième tentative, après une guilde inactive xD je suis bien chaud pour m'impliquer dans une communauté parce que qui dit MMO sans communauté, c'est deux fois moins de fun à jouer!
  4. Re: Guilde Elite FR [Recrutement] <t>allé moi aussi je suis bien ùmotive pour dynamiser un peu la communauté fr ! je postule également :p</t>
  5. Hi it's been a couple of days i've been playin and i never talked in the forum, or just to talk about the probleme i have with the game. Not anymore i present myself my IG name is Panchala, may be the next ladder conqueror ?
  6. PRO Username: Panchala Do you have active membership?: No Your knowledge about PRO: Beginner What have you done before the problem was there? pexing my butterfree What have you already tried to solve the problem? not at all Description and Message I know i were smoking at that time, but i was pretty sure the game proposed gust to my butterfree, but i learned stun powder. Can it be fixed or not ?
  7. Panchala


    i don't know where to say it but i had a bug that make an attack not coming. I stayed stuck in the fight endlessely.
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