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About Rina

  • Birthday 06/16/1993

Rina's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Re: COMPETATIVE SHINY NINETAILS/RAPIDASH INSTANT ONLY <t>Jamirakway... U started the offer a 1m.. Why do u increase the price ????? I think u can't do this !</t>
  2. Re: COMPETATIVE SHINY TIMID (SEMI EPIC) NINETAILS <t>But, Purple, the guy who sell ninetales don't answer... How many time do i wait ??? :/</t>
  3. Re: COMPETATIVE SHINY TIMID (SEMI EPIC) NINETAILS <t>This guy is ban, so i still win the bid atm</t>
  4. Re: Selling 100 Coins for 200K Pokedollars <t>I can buy them for 300k :P</t>
  6. Rina

    Toxic orbs

    Thank you very much :)
  7. PRO Username: Rina Do you have active membership?: Yes Your knowledge about PRO: Advanced Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? I farm with my friends. What have you already tried to solve the problem? Yes, farming with my friends and searching on trade. Description and Message Hello, i'm here because i want to know if toxic orbs are still in gligar on dragons den b1f. Actually we are a group of friends who farming toxic orbs, and NOBODY found one. Are they still in the game, and if not, why ?? Ty
  8. Best offer for Jolteon : 500K by Imalerion IG !
  9. Someone make me an offer for Jolteon. 400k IG by Imalerion.
  10. Hello ! I want to sell those pokemon ! (I copy paste an introduction who say all i want to say. Ty Taipouz :x) 1. Do not ask for price / when, just make a serious offer. 2. I'll start the auction if i meet a good offer. 3. I reserve the right to create my own values on my Pokemon. 4. I reserve the right to reject your offer and withdraw my Pokes here. 5. Having B.O that doesnt mean i will sell it with that price. 6. Fake BID" = REPORT. /friend Rina for contact me in game. Level 100 EV Trained ! Jolteon SOLDED for 450K + 1MemberShip ! Shiny ! B.O : B.O : B.O : 250K I will put some more, I ev train each day. Please answer this post for Best offers. (Sorry, my english may be bad, I'm a French girl :Crazy: )
  11. Thank you guys ! And yes, we are so many french ^^' And this game is realllllllllllllly nice :)) Good day to you all :) <3
  12. :thanks:
  13. PRO Username: Rina Do you have active membership?: Yes Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? My boyfriend took a paysafecard. 25€ (I'm french) and we wanted to pay mount and maybe clothes, but we only can pay with paypal... Synchronize paysafecard with paypal is annoying and there is charge we can't afford. What have you already tried to solve the problem? Yes, we tried to see if we can put this paysafecard on paypal, but impossible. Description and Message I want to know if one day we will can pay with paysafecard, or if it's definitly no ? Ty for your answer and sorry if my english is bad as hell..
  14. Hello, I have the same problem. My launcher says "Out of date"... Where can i have the new one ? Please ?
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