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Everything posted by C9meteors

  1. Re: Garchomp Sand veil in pvp <t>I disagree</t>
  2. I start magne 201 and when aution end
  3. Re: ֍֍ CATALYST's STARTLING POKESHOP AND MUCH MORE ֍֍ <r><QUOTE author="Catalyst0910" post_id="450202" time="1507013925" user_id="1642314"><s> </e></QUOTE> ^^noticed <e> </e></QUOTE> when the aution end? <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  4. Re: The Natu's master - 209 PKM - Kaminokage - Update on September 29th 2017 <t>want to buy sync calm kadabra and Gyarados : 350k - Impish - TOTAL 5 IVs = 129 (0,6%)</t>
  5. Re: ֍֍ CATALYST's STARTLING POKESHOP AND MUCH MORE ֍֍ <t>i start dugtrio</t>
  6. tell me why i lost my only master ball when i finish catch heatran in sinnoh :Frown: please give back to me :Frown: :Frown: and can heatran join to pvp ?
  7. my mandibuzz cant learn foul play and my Diggersby cant learn tutor wild charge in power plant
  8. Re: Sell epic toxicroak <r><QUOTE author="Rayquazazaza" post_id="424335" time="1502207788" user_id="1687388"><s> </e></QUOTE> <br/> 650k <E>:Grin:</E></r>
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