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Everything posted by Mangod

  1. bid is 4m not 4.4m, can meet very verm
  2. What's the insta?
  3. Sorry for delay, been busy and with the forums being down... Message me on discord if you still have it @mangod#3197
  4. 300k works for me
  5. Kabuto sold to volkonsar2 I can sell dragalge 500k
  6. I think i could sell for 350k, it would be a while till I'm on though, I am pretty busy during the week.
  7. This is too low, sorry. I may be on in a few hours
  8. Bump.
  9. Re: Wtb Epic Impish/H.A Talonflame !!! PAY WELL !!! <t>Got an impish h.a fletch 31atk 15def 20spd 30spdef 09hp if you want to offer</t>
  10. Bump.
  11. This has been a longtime issue for me, I was using another players fix which involved creating a shortcut and adding -force-d3d9 to the end of the .exe but its not working in the new version (post xmas). The error report basically says access violation from 000000000000 or something, not sure.... Help would be lovely, thanks.
  12. Klefki(bold/calm) ability: prankster Talonflame(impish/careful) ability: gale wings Crawdaunt(ada) ability: adaptability Clefable(bold) ability: magic guard skarmory(impish/careful) ability: sturdy Heliolisk(timid) ability: dryskin reply here or on discord @mangod#3127
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