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  1. Same here. The website says Blue server is online but I cannot login :'(
  2. Emoteicons now a days sell pretty well. We have seen this proven by a few online games as well as social media apps like viber. Thus, I would like to suggest pro to implement a few emoteicons. You could provide a few default and simple emoteicons which all players get for free and you could put a few emoteicons in the coin shop which players can buy if they are interested in them. These emoteicons could either be sold in a bundle or as single pieces, which ever the pro team likes. Also these emoteicons do not need to be pokemon themed, they just need to be cool, fun and understandable. You could even host an emoteicon making contest. Emoteicons would be a good addition since it makes chatting more interactive and fun. Besides everyone loves meme type of emoteicons like twitch's biblethump emoteicon. Hope the pro community likes this suggestion :Angel: :thanks:
  3. If I am not wrong then what you are trying to suggest it "If a player purchases an exp boost which lasts for X amount of time then make then X amount of time only count as the time spent online so that the player does not waste the exp boost just because the player could play like 2 hours everyday" right? If this is your suggestion then it is a very good suggestion and I have seen this system in my online mmo games.
  4. Good suggestion
  5. I am fine with the current system because the actual grind is to get the pokemon you desire with good IV and nature. Too much grind in a game makes the game very boring the progress of the player extremely slow.
  6. Hi, I am new here and had some questions about the stability of this game. I hope some experienced players can help me out. 1. Does the server go offline very often? 2. When the server does go offline how long does it usually take to come online again? 3. How much would you rate this game one a scale of 0-10? Thank you.
  7. Thanks guys :)
  8. Hi, Long time pokemon fan here. Although I do not play the new pokemon games or follow the series anymore I do love playing the few online pokemon mmo that are available. Since I am new I would appreciate some tips and stuff from you guys. One question I have is does buying membership increase my chance of getting a shiny? Is it possible to obtain a shiny Charmander :3 Glad to be here and I will see you all in game. Thanks!
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