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Posts posted by Bellxhestia

  1. I am creating this post today to share my thoughts on ways to improve the game for many players... Firstly i think that the PC in the Pokemon center should be fixed so that players may organize their boxes as organization is a key factor for many people and the search bar function just seems too useless at this point in time.. Another suggestion i have is that an option to quick sell your .Pokemon i implemented into the PC in the Pokemon center for 1k per Pokemon and before you say players would abuse this system.....i believe it could work if you allowed players to quick sell 10 Pokemon every 24-48 hours, thus disabling this system to be abused.I do not expect for my suggestions to ever be implemented into the game but a gamer can dream and hopefully, in the future my dream to see the game elevate through new mechanics will come to fruition :Grin:

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