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About Codenameino

  • Birthday 12/12/1991

Codenameino's Achievements



  1. [glow=red]CLOSED LACK OF INTEREST[/glow] :Nervous: THANKS !!!
  2. Re: WTS EPIC PVP JOLLY "SLAKING" <r><QUOTE author="Genometrics" post_id="444851" time="1505949274" user_id="851905"><s> </e></QUOTE> times up !! pm me ingame bro thanks !!</r>
  3. Re: WTS EPIC PVP JOLLY "SLAKING" <r><QUOTE author="Treats157" post_id="444513" time="1505909819" user_id="1628338"><s> </e></QUOTE> ok bro <E>:y:</E> lots of time left</r>
  4. [glow=red]START BID 100k will end after 24hrs[/glow] "CodenameINO"
  5. SLAKING c.o 140k by Shinchan1996
  6. 40k Oke deal sir. Where and when we can trade? pm me now ingame im online
  7. [glow=red]FULLY TRAINED POKEMONS[/glow] [spoil] [/spoil] HAWLUCHA [glow=red]SOLD[/glow] LUCARIO [glow=red]SOLD[/glow] INFERNAPE 150k FINAL PRICE SALAMENCE 100k STARTING BID SLAKING 100k STARING BID [glow=blue]UNTRAINED POKEMONS[/glow] [spoil] [/spoil] [glow=red]for untrained pokes if two or more trainers are interested in any pokemon then the auction starts[/glow] [glow=green]POST YOUR OFFERS on your disired POKEMON[/glow] [glow=red]"CodenameINO"[/glow] :Exclam: CLOSED THREAD due to lack of interest :Exclam:
  8. PM me INgame or post your offer price i accept ms,coins,shiny mount.. IGN ==>>> :Cool: "CodenameINO" :Cool:
  9. its done already..marked as sold
  10. Re: WTS EPIC WEAVILE 24hrs BIDDING <r><QUOTE author="jannythegreat" post_id="431005" time="1503286767" user_id="1543196"><s> </e></QUOTE> Recently.<br/> How much time left? <E>:Shy:</E> <e> </e></QUOTE> <br/> <E>:Angel:</E> 6hrs to go .. <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  11. Re: WTS EPIC WEAVILE 24hrs BIDDING <t>lol a banned player just bid or its just recently?</t>
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