1)What is the pokemon that is really 108 entities?
answer: [highlight=yellow]Spiritomb[/highlight].
2)Where did halloween originate from?
answer: It is original of the Celtic culture, this one was conformed by several European communities, reason why was [highlight=yellow]created by Celts in Europe[/highlight].
3)What type has ghost not yet been paired with?
answer: [highlight=yellow]normal[/highlight] and [highlight=yellow]rock[/highlight]. Although it could be said that no pokemons paired with the same type, ie, no pokemon is [highlight=yellow]ghost-ghost[/highlight] type.
4)What ghost is immune to tynamo?
answer: tynamo only has normal and electric movements so a ground-ghost pokemon would be totally immune, and these pokemons are: [highlight=yellow]Sandygast[/highlight], [highlight=yellow]Palossand[/highlight],[highlight=yellow] Golett[/highlight], [highlight=yellow]Golurk[/highlight]. But [highlight=yellow]Shedinja[/highlight] thanks to his ability, is also immune to tynamo, likewise a [highlight=yellow]Marowak of Alola[/highlight] with the ability Lightning Rod would be immune.
5)How many ghost type pokemon were introduced in generation 5?
answer: [highlight=yellow]9[/highlight], litwick, lampent, chandelure, frillishm jellicent, yamask, cafogrigus, golett and golurk.