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Everything posted by Jonatasgois

  1. Im evolve my vullaby (overcoat), then the madibuzz have the ability weak armor... (hidden) Before: vullaby overcoat After: mamdibuzz weak armor This is a bug... I want my mandibuzz overcoat :/ Waiting for a reply for this. Thank you
  2. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One! <r><QUOTE author="Fadoka"><s> </e></QUOTE> Be in the best clan , is one of the largest and most feared players in the PRO .<br/> <br/> <br/> Waiting for a invite ;D</r>
  3. That's strategy , which is wrong is abusing sleep , or 1HKO movements , now use Team tank or not is a matter of strategy and nothing more, even with movements that do not work . However , there are players who think that battle is just the boost the Pokemon and go out killing everything . But movements like protect , wish , scald , are sorely lacking , however we can only wait .
  4. But is not just, you fight with a player, using Yawn, sleep powder, spore, hipnosys, in all turns.... This is not a competitive battle, and a newbie battle. Estrategy dont this is.
  5. Thank you for this. :)
  6. I suggest a blocking clause or punishment to certain movements used in PvP battle. Sleep powder - limit 1 for battle Hypnosis - limit 1 for battle Sheer Cold , Guilhotine (all 1HKO moves ) - banned for pvp . Are movements that put his opponent at a great disadvantage , especially when used in an irrational way (as many noobs are doing ) ... so Ending the battle , it is something annoying. I wish all who read it , pass forward and I think it's a good way to get the most competitive battles and "professional " if we can say it in a game. : D
  7. PRO Username: JonatasGoi Do you have active membership?: Yes Your knowledge about PRO: Advanced Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? Im try put Roar in my Donphan, but the system message say "Donphan can't lear this TM" But Donphan really learn, pls fixes this bug, need very for my team. Thank you! What have you already tried to solve the problem? Im try put Roar in my Donphan, but the system message say "Donphan can't lear this TM" But Donphan really learn, pls fixes this bug, need very for my team. Thank you! Description and Message Im try put Roar in my Donphan, but the system message say "Donphan can't lear this TM" But Donphan really learn, pls fixes this bug, need very for my team. Thank you!
  8. PRO Username: Jonatasgoi Do you have active membership?: Yes Your knowledge about PRO: Advanced Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? Lost 5 leftlovers in downtime What have you already tried to solve the problem? I relog, check bag, but really lost my precious leftlovers... Description and Message Hello , I need a lot of help, just lost 5 leftlovers , with the fall of the server , I fight with Brock Boss and dropped the connection. When I logged again disappeared the 5 items , like much of the game , but this is not the first time that I have been harmed , as well as other players (also had already lost previously male brace 2x , 1x and 1x leftlovers Togepi + shiny stone epic ) . And now with the loss of these leftlovers , I took a prejudice around 160-200k , something can be done ? If any admin or suporter reading this post , I'd love an answer , because I'm afraid to log back in and continue losing my items , I got so hard . Thanks in advance .
  9. Ok , I did not know that , I captured even when the Togepi , continued in the game until missing two minutes to relog the system. Unfortunately , when I returned , I was gone . Should have this procedure done at the time I made the catch ... Thank you
  10. Really, the alternative then is after caughted the pokemon make a relog in game? The game saves auto in relog?
  11. I do not know if it's right place I posted the topic , but wanted everyone who went through the same problem as me , share your story and let me know if there is any action to be taken . Last week I lost a male brace , which had for a long time , the game was normal , but when I logged after a few hours , the item had disappeared , and now actually a few moments lost a very good Togepi , captured before the relog game , about 30 minutes before and after the fall of the server, it disappeared , I feel hurt , I can take some action , or simply 'm out of luck ?
  12. I'm with this problem for hours , I can not play , the system says that I am already logged in, even trying on different devices . Help me please.
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