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Everything posted by Celler

  1. It does appear you can get in without queuing. I was just given a 1k slot. I retried logging in and got in on 4th or 5th attempt.
  2. My post title was referring to the new queue system not saying scrap it and give me a new one. Was just commenting and asking for opinions of others and perhaps clarification of what future may hold. Also to thank devs for the many hours of fun I have had with game. Thanks for gm and admin comments. As for years giving wisdom, they never did for me, the stupidity just goes deeper now. This thread is turning into a train wreck, sorry for that. Will leave it now would delete if I knew how, pls remove if you can/want I have my answers and it serves little purpose as others seem to be pointing out.
  3. I have not posted before that's true, but can't see that makes my thoughts or opinions less valid. I try to only speak if I feel I have something to offer or hope to gain information that is not readily available. I always try to word my posts well it comes with being alive for 44 yrs, though my grammar and spelling can leave plenty to be desired at times. With regard to your point crystalpoke, I'd be surprised if spamming log in would still work or it would defeat the whole point of queue implemention
  4. I was trying not to complain, am always grateful for what is basically a free product. I was more looking for others thoughts and perhaps some idea as to what plans there are to addresss the issue that will perhaps get worse as more find the game. Am glad its working out for many, I used to just re log repeatedly that normally got me in quite quick. I'll give it a go later then perhaps, just seemed demand is far greater than the game can currently handle though. Which I suppose is good for devs but bad for us currently, was not aware it was this bad is all.
  5. Perhaps many see this new method as fairer these are my thoughts. I've been playing since just before Xmas and although the state of server size and regular drops were a small issue they were no where near like they are now. Before latest patch I've never waited more than 15 minutes after repeated attempts to log in. Now last time I logged in it says there is a queue of 950 people and my expected queue length is 4 hours.This is not reasonable and despite you offering a fun enjoyable product I Shall withdraw at this point sadly. I did log straight in but game was lagging and then when I clicked on my poke box in mart it crashed saying to check fault description in game folder. Imagine thats something else but frankly can't wait 4 hours to find out. I can only assume that before patch many would try and then give up on access now they can just wait so queue is much larger. I thank you for the fun I've had and hope to play again at some point in the near future.
  6. Same tried messing with firewall etc, only played once since joining yesterday after many attempts to log in then.
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