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Everything posted by Platinum2124

  1. Re: Deino Timid Good IV'S <t>320k b.o here</t>
  2. Re: Deino Timid Good IV'S <t>220k b.o for me then</t>
  3. Re: WTS HIPPOWDON IMPISH <t>1m6 for that</t>
  4. Re: WTS HIPPOWDON IMPISH <t>800k for the hippo</t>
  5. Re: DesuOne Shop (Medicham,Galvantula,Gengar) <t>Insta the medi XD keep them both for tomorrow okay ?</t>
  6. Re: DesuOne Shop (Medicham,Galvantula,Gengar) <t>Also the medi too XD</t>
  7. Re: DesuOne Shop (Medicham,Galvantula,Gengar) <t>I do insta on the galvantula for 650k and can u keep it for me :V</t>
  8. Re: DesuOne Shop (Medicham,Galvantula,Gengar) <t>Insta galvantula</t>
  9. Re: DesuOne Shop (Medicham,Galvantula,Gengar) <t>550k medicham XD</t>
  10. Re: DesuOne Shop (Medicham,Galvantula,Gengar) <t>530k medicham 490k galvantula</t>
  11. Re: DesuOne Shop (Medicham,Galvantula,Gengar) <t>b.o the medicham 460k :V</t>
  12. Re: DesuOne Shop (Medicham,Galvantula,Gengar) <t>410k for medicham :V</t>
  13. Re: DesuOne Shop (Medicham,Galvantula,Gengar) <t>b.o 200k for the galvantula :V</t>
  14. Re: Taipouz shop : UPDATE New poke 23/03 <t>I'll try to add u to see if u online then i'll pm you :v</t>
  15. Re: Taipouz shop : UPDATE New poke 23/03 <r>Not<QUOTE author="taipouz"><s> </e></QUOTE> can u come online?<e> </e></QUOTE> Not now currently cause I have to work can u keep it for me ?</r>
  16. Re: Taipouz shop : UPDATE New poke 23/03 <t>I do insta on the bold togekiss</t>
  17. Re: Taipouz shop UPDATE Insta Price 22/03 <t>Taipouz the 500k b.o is the god togekiss at the rear end the bold one not on the top :V</t>
  18. Re: Taipouz *BiG UPDATE 20/03 => 30 Poke 100 / Dragonite HA / Sableye HA / Gligar HA <t>b.o epic togekiss 500k</t>
  19. Count me in :v GMT +9
  20. Re: NEW CHRONOS [international Guild] Recruiting!! <r>Am i qualificated XD<br/> <br/> 1.platinum2124<br/> 2.Gameplay hours 475 (guess i'm still new :V)<br/> 3.Of course ! 16 badges XD<br/> 4.To be or not to be the greatest trainer :V<br/> 5.Your guild looks fun and very active i'd like try to fit in one day :V<br/> 6.i'm 15 XD from neverland :V<br/> 7.Well i think i can join the discord<br/> 8.yes i'm fit at following rules XD <br/> <br/> P/S the following picture contains a lot of feels and pain :V <br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/6SUJ7Lw.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  21. and what price would u think is enough to start the empoleon XD
  22. Re: NEW CHRONOS [international Guild] Recruiting!! <t>Sounds Good XD</t>
  23. Re: ✰ Trololo Shop [Pokemons and Synchro] *Salamence,Epic Scizor* ✰ <t>600k scizor :V</t>
  24. Well the strange thing is it's happens on pc XD
  25. PRO Username: platinum21 Do you have active membership?: Yes Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? I was going in the the trainer valley pc and it's keep saying loading map What have you already tried to solve the problem? I tried to restart it but it doesn't work Description and Message Please help me cause it's keep showing loading map without finishing loading the map and i feel like im stuck
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