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Palytren's Achievements



  1. Re: Diabo123's Shop | Tons of pokes to sell <t>wtb the 35k scyther</t>
  2. Everything is in the title, i make the trip :) IGN : Palytren
  3. [Already bought all the Pokemons I needed]
  4. I've already an account with Outlook, it doesn't matter if i've an account with another adress ?
  5. I already use outlook
  6. PRO Username: Palytren Do you have active membership?: Yes Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? What have you already tried to solve the problem? Description and Message Hello, I tried to create a 2nd account (with the same e-mail) 5 hours ago but still didn't receive the mail confirmation. I saw in my spamms and there isn't anything. I know it's the right e-mail because when i tried to create antoher account it was said "You already have 2 accounts with this e-mail" Thanks in advance :)
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