Smartest: Mamathieu
Friendliest: Mamathieu
Funniest: Mamathieu
Coolest: Cyber54
Comeback Player of the Year: Mamathieu
Most Talkative: Mamathieu
Most Trustworthy: Mamathieu
Most Helpful: Mamathieu
Most Missed: Mamathieu
Most Influential: Mamathieu
Most Intriguing: Mamathieu
Most Experienced Player: Mamathieu
Best/Funniest Username: Mamathieu
Most Professional Guide Maker: Aranzulla
Most Professional Discord Moderator: Fallen
Best Mapper: they are just mapper
Best Artist: Aeolus because he said he made vulpix.
Best Community Coordinator: Q8
Best Moderator: Q8
Best Trade Moderator: Q8
Best Game Master: Q8
Best Admin: Red
Best Staff Username: Q8 (gas station)
Most Professional Staff: Q8
Most Dedicated Staff: Fluffles
Funniest Staff: Fallen
Friendliest Staff: Q8
Most Honorable Former Staff: Arnie
Most Missed Former Staff: Arnie