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  1. I know that they are doing other important things. I'm just saying if there is time to do something about it, then sure. Also, when a pokemon learns a new move, I can't read the description of the moves that I can delete for the new one. That is another thing I think that they should add because at times I don't know what that move does.
  2. I think the admins know that there are moves that don't have any animations whatsoever. So lets skip to the ones that I want to mention. - Whenever you earn experience in battles, before the move actually finishes off the opponent, the exp bar moves before that happens and it kinda destroys the feeling of suspense cuz then you see the bar move and already know you won. (Just something small if you guys can do it). - During battles after defeating an opponents pokemon, you should add the option to switch out the pokemon before the next pokemon gets called out like the pokemon games did. - Create an option where you enter into a mode where you can click and individually customize and move the UIs around. These are all I can come up with right now.
  3. #1. It would probably be useless in practice but I just felt that since this was in almost all the pokemon games (i stopped after emerald), they should implement it. It's just one of my pet peeves. #2. I do log out, but it doesn't save my GUI scaling to the way I had set it. Could be just me though or a very small percentage. #3. That's reasonable but there needs to be a better and more smoother way in the future though. #5. What I meant by that was when you start up the mobile version, the GUI is too small. I mean you can still click and all though, but you are proned to more misclicks than if they set up the GUI for the mobile version big by default and then let you change it after. Would probably help newer mobile players avoid clicking the wrong option when trying to set up their UI scale.
  4. Suggestions For Both Desktop and Mobile: - Allow players to change the direction in which they are looking if they quickly tap the direction keys so that it would be the same as how it was in all Pokemon games. - Have a way where GUI scale actually saves because currently for me at least, it goes back to the lowest value by default Suggestions For Desktop Only: - For the mouse-moving style, instead of clicking and dragging in one area, why not do it where you click where you want to go and it will just automatically walk there and this will allow for smoother movements with the mouse than what is implemented currently Suggestions For Mobile Only: - Instead of what we have right now for moving around, implement clear virtual gamepad controls/buttons on the screen just like emulators are doing. Since this is game recommends 1.5GB+ of RAM on your mobile device and just based on my knowledge, these phones are usually closer to the latest models and have bigger screens so the virtual control/buttons won't get in the way as much as the current method would and allowing players to resize their controls is a great addition - By default make the GUI a bit bigger than what it is now for the mobile version to a reasonable size where people can press correct buttons consistently and then people can change the GUI later to what they want
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